Bond of Brothers Our Stories, Our Legacies by Bob and Nick Finamore

Adult Book Recomendations

I wanted to share a new book with you this morning called Bond of Brothers Our Stories, Our Legacies by Bob and Nick Finamore and you can she there Press Release here. Inside this post is my affiliate links. If you click on the links and make a purchase I will make a small percentage off any products you purchase.

Jersey Brothers Reflect on Life, Legacies and Unwavering Fraternal Bond in Poignant New Book by Bob and Nick Finamore
Jersey Brothers Reflect on Life, Legacies and Unwavering Fraternal Bond in Poignant New Book by Bob and Nick Finamore

I’ve been missing my brother like crazy for the past couple week and been thinking I need to reach out to Gerald. But you never know if my brother will answer messages or not. My Aunt has tried to keep in contact with him and he keeps brushing her off.

I had a copy of Bond of Brothers Our Stories, Our Legacies laying on my desk and I could hear someone say open the book and see what these men have to say. The more I read of there story the more I was drawn back into my childhood and all the antics my brother and I did. As well as times we let my sister join us.

Through this novel I can see a lot of families being reunited with there siblings. Charlie liked learning they trained Dolphins and I know Suzzie would have liked this as well.

About the book:

Bond of Brothers Our Stories, Our Legacies by Bob and Nick Finamore
Bond of Brothers Our Stories, Our Legacies by Bob and Nick Finamore

In this sequel to their memoir, Two Jersey Brothers, Bob and Nick Finamore recount stories from their adult lives. It’s all here – Together at Paterson Central High School, Bob’s football success, Nick’s aviation adventures, Bob’s U.S. Army and teaching years, Nick’s music and AT&T careers.

Their brother-to-brother storytelling takes you inside their lives, from training with the New York Jets to saving Dolphins at the Jersey Shore to comforting their 102-year-old mother on her deathbed. All the while they reveal the secrets of an enduring fraternal bond and the one core meaning in both their lives.

My family loved learning about there careers including Nick becoming a Pilot because David works at the Airport and he liked learning about others who deal with Planes. I liked learning Nick was a Pianist. Charlie enjoyed learning about Nicks career in athletics and if we had still be #Homeschooling we would have studied him in our Homeschool PE Classes.

The book is broken down into chapter for adults and my family would read a couple chapters at night before bed as a family and discuss what he had learned. The story has even made Charlie think about his Siblings from David and both David and Charlie have been thinking about reaching out to them.

Meet the Authors:

Nick Finamore is a retired AT&T Regional Vice President with a thirty-five-year career in engineering, computer systems, sales, and human resources. Upon retirement, AT&T contracted with him for another twelve years as a loaned executive under three New Jersey governors to assist in improving State operations.

In this sequel to their memoir, Two Jersey Brothers, Nick describes many life-changing events and mentors influencing his life’s direction.. These experiences gave rise to a number of challenging hobbies and adventures. He became a pilot and partner in a Piper Arrow Airplane; a performing pianist; a sailboat enthusiast on Cape Cod waters; and a licensed ham radio operator. Nick and his wife of sixty years, Marie, live in Annandale, New Jersey. They have three children and six grandchildren.

Bob Finamore’s career in education spanned thirty-five years, during which he served as teacher, coach, driving instructor, and disciplinarian/athletic director. An athlete from a very young age, he received many accolades, most notably MVP awards in high school, college, and a post-season bowl game. He has also been inducted by his high school, college, and local athletic association (Paterson Old Timers) into their Halls of Fame.

In this memoir with his brother Nick, Bob recounts his football days at Memphis State University and his training with the New York Jets and afterwards serving for two years in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam conflict.

His wife, Shirley, passed away after forty-four years of marriage. He lives in Wayne, New Jersey and spends time with his daughter, son, and two grandchildren who live nearby.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates