This week I asked David when he is paid if we could go back up to the Family Dollar Store as I found a couple Board Games Charlie and I didn’t have which we can use in our Homeschool.

The first game I would like to get is Dino Doctor which Charlie and I can play when we are studying Dinosaurs. I just need to invite Les over because Elijah also loves Dinosaurs and she could help Elijah play with Charlie.

The second Board Game I would like to get for Charlie is GAME HUB Loopy LENSE. Charlie, David and I wear glasses and we could study Optometry and Eyeglasses and who invented then and why.

GAME HUB Loopy LENSE is the family game of silly scribbles! Take it in turns being the drawer and the guesser. Guess correctly what your opponent is scribbling, and you get to roll and move forward! However, all is not as easy as it seems, your opponent will be wearing loopy lenses making drawing all the more difficult!!
Last but not least I would like to get Charlie What U Talkin Bout? This Board Game reminds me of a TV Show Charlie, and I watch called Different Strokes. Arnold would always say “Whatcha Talkin About Willis”….

- What U Talkin Bout? is the whacky word game where not getting your words out is all part of the fun. Just put in the special mouthpiece, pick a phrase card and read the tongue-twister. If your partner can stop laughing and guess what you’re saying, you’ll get the card.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates