Blogging from A-to-Z April Challenge

The Mommies Reviews

I wanted to share feedback on Blogging from A-to-Z April Challenge and let you know what this challenge is. Then you can learn decide if you want to join us. To make it easy for you I’ve included the link to the website where you would go to sign up.

If you don’t want to join us in the Blogging from A-to-Z April Challenge, you can still support us by posting the banner above on your blog. Then take the time to visit the blogs that have signed up.

As you visit the blogs, please leave a meaningful comment because you never know who might stop by your blog and you would want them to do the same for you.

If you like to find new blogs, then use this link and visit the ones that have less than 100 visits. These are blogs, I plan on visiting because only having 100 visits means not many people have visited their sites.

For a blogger this is heartbreaking because they invest so much time into their sites. A little comment love goes a long, long way. It’s like getting a hug in person.

If you would like to get to know the Co-Host of the event, please check out this link:

Ninja Captain Ninja Minion Army:
Sherry Ellis – Mama Diaries & Gone Gardening 
Bish Denham – Random Thoughts
Arlee Bird’s A to Z Ambassadors
Jamie Barone Divine Inspiration
 Tim Brannan The Other Side blog
Doreen McGettigan Doreen McGettigan
Judy Raiser Raising the Curtain
 Corinne Rodrigues Everyday Gyaan
Rob Z Tobor …The Slightly Eccentric Diary of Rob Z Tobor
Nicole’s Mighty Minion Bureau:
 ASSET #1: Sydney Aaliyah – Sydney Aaliyah Michelle 
 ASSET #2: Dale Smurfwaite – Smurfin’ the Web
ASSET #3: Andrea MusicFan – Twelve Steps to Cloud 9
 ASSET #4: SA Larsen – KitLit Author (Writer’s Ally)

Introducing: J’s Hooligans!

 Stormy’s Sidekicks
Suz at Suzi’s Ice Box Art
Sue Ann at ‘Homecoming’ Blog

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates


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