Bio X4 

The Mommies Reviews

I don’t know if your like me or not but its had hard to say no to Cravings for Sweets. Including Cupcakes, Cookies, Soda and even Fried Foods like French Fries are completely fine to eat once in a while, but a daily habit of consuming these foods in an excess amount can lead to bigger Health issues. But March was National Nutrition Month, which would have made it the perfect time to kickstart our Nutrition Journey – and a little extra help doesn’t hurt.

But as well all know it’s September and I missed the Boat on National Nutrition Month but there is still time to take control of our own eating habits before the Holidays arrive. Which is why I wanted to share Bio X4 with you. Because I don’t know about you but I want to lose at least 70 pounds before the end of the year.

See the source image
Enjoy Bio X4, a powerful 4-way defensive strategy against unhealthy cravings, digestive issues, and metabolism — in 1 easy-to-use formula! Who knew looking and feeling so great could be this easy?

To do this I need to change not only my eating habits but my exercise habits. I know when I get stressed I always reach out for a piece of Chocolate but thanks to Bio X4 I can have a small piece of Chocolate and still lose the weight I’ve been struggling to lose.

 Bio X4  was created by Nucific has to help consumers have a little extra push towards starting on a path of healthy eating, with indulgences in moderation. All you have to do is take one small pill which contains powerful ingredients like Caralluma Fimbriata (which eases unhealthy food cravings), ECCG (a natural compound in Green Tea that boosts your Metabolism and Burn Fat) and Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium (probiotic strains that help with digestion).

Before you ask me has Bio X4 helped with my Sweet Craving and yes, it has and I believe its what helped me lose the 5 Pounds I lost this weight along with the walking I was doing. But this week I haven’t been taking the Pill since I hurt my Foot and couldn’t exercise the way I wanted to. Which before you ask no, you don’t have to Exercise but if I want to teach Charlie to eat Healthy and to move more then I need to do this as well.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates