Big Red Soda

The Mommies Reviews

As we all face being quarantined to our home its hard to tell our children no, you can’t have this . Or no, the store was out of the things you like. No, we can’t eat out everything is closed.

Charlie has been asking for Soda all week and we had a 2 Liter Dr. Pepper in our home and I have been limiting how much Charlie can have to make the Dr. Pepper last as long as possible.

Having Bradley her for Charlie to play with is nice but it means another mouth to feed. Not, knowing how long we are going to be inside and how long the groceries we have will last.

Or if we will have money to purchase more groceries its been hard to let Charlie give Bradley food and drinks. Which I hate but I have to protect our family.

Charlie and I was watching a movie last night and going through pictures I found this picture of Big Red we had bought Charlie when we went out to eat.

Charlie looked at it and said mom once this is all over I PROMISe to eat what ever you put on the table, share drinks with you and not waste food. If nothing else good comes out of this my son has learned how important food is and why we shouldn’t waste it.

I have seen Charlie Praying more than he ever has. Taking better care of his teeth and checking on our elderly neighbors more. As well as bringing Charlie and I closer together and he has been spending more time with David and I

Charlie, hasn’t been getting on his game as much and spending more time in the living room with us. David is doing the same thing when he is home. I would like to Thank the Lord for bringingmy family back to me.

Thank you,

Glenfdal, Charlie and David Cates