Best wedding anniversary ideas for couples

The Mommies Reviews

It doesn’t matter how many years the two of you have known each other, deciding a good plan for your wedding anniversary can be quite a daunting task & we totally understand. Despite having so many options, picking the best one for yourself could put you in a fix. But don’t worry! We are here to narrow things down to you. If you want to celebrate your wedding anniversary the romantic way, we have enlisted some great places where you can go. And if you like staying at home, not an issue. We have some great ideas for you as well!

Try the wedding night dinner

In order to have the best wedding anniversary, you could have the same dinner you had on the wedding night. Work together to choose those recipes, go shopping for all the ingredients and then cook with your team. Make it a fun challenge with your team. If you aren’t married or happen to celebrate a dating anniversary, you can eat what you ate together on your first date. This is one of the most cost-effective ideas you can consider. Also, once you are done with dinner, watch a nice romantic movie together. That should be relaxing.

2. Do a photoshoot

Get a list of all your best places all over town, load your camera and get a photoshoot done for yourself. You could go to places that have a special place in your heart. Perhaps, you may also stop by at places where you had your first kiss or you could go to a church where the two of you got married. Speak to a passerby and take some photos of the two of you. Another awesome idea is taking a photo together and celebrate your anniversary. Keep the album for such special memories too.

3. Give each other thoughtful presents

When it comes to your anniversary year, there are many traditional gifts you can gift one another. You can get them a book, a love better or just something that is associated with paper. It always does not have to be an expensive one. It could be just thoughtful. There are many modern anniversary gifts you can give one another. If there have been many years since you got married, the modern gift could be appliances and that would be a lot cheaper than any small piece of technology.

4. Try something new

In order to have the best wedding anniversary, you could also try something new. You could go away on a holiday for a couple of days. There are many weekend getaway packages available these days. You can try a few online. Sometimes, the two of you could just go to your favorite restaurant together and spend time… relive the good old memories. Trying something new and out of the box. It could make your holiday with your special someone a lot more special.

5. Go to a night club

Another thing you could do is go to a night club that is if you enjoy going to clubs together. If you guys used to go to clubs together during the dating phase, a night club is definitely an awesome place to go to. Those who are only a few years into their wedding like doing it always. Maybe you should try it as well!

6. Have a mini road trip

All of you who enjoy traveling but don’t want to spend too much money can consider having a mini road trip. You could go to a nearby place for a weekend getaway, listen to your favorite music and spend time at a local cafe grabbing dinner. How cool is that?

If you just plan a little, a romantic anniversary should not be too hard. In fact, it could be fun, cheap and special. So break out of the same old routine, try something absolutely new every time. This will keep your love fresh and alive. You could take a few photos on Instagram or even keep a special family photo album to share the experience with yourself and your friends. You won’t have to look back on the memories for several years.

And if you liked reading the post, let us know your ideas in the comment section below.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

19 thoughts on “Best wedding anniversary ideas for couples

  1. I am taking the grandkids so my daughter and son in law can enjoy some time away. Will show her these ideas.

  2. thoughtful presents for sure- my husband isn’t a big jewelry guy but i got him so engraved cufflinks that he still wears to other weddings today almost 10 years later. meaningful gifts, in my opinion, are worth it and it even doesn’t have to be something tangible- it could just be a sweet letter!

  3. I love all of these ideas! So keep telling my husband that we do need to go on a mini road trip just because it would be nice to get away.

  4. These are some great ideas! My husband and I are boring and just like watching a movie or going out to eat. We would hate a night club because we don’t like excess noise. But we do like checking out new restaurants!

  5. All great ideas and with my anniversary coming up soon it’s a list to save. I think it might be a mini road trip.

  6. I just wrote a blog post on 19 romantic getaway destinations for couples in the US…. I love that after 28 years of marriage, we’re still looking for getaways together! Your idea of recreating the wedding dinner is really fun for when we stay home! Thanks.

  7. I don’t remember what we had for dinner on our wedding night. I should see if my husband remembers. This could be fun.

  8. Those are all wonderful ideas. We have been married 42 years and now we think just sitting on the front porch with a pitcher of bloody marys is a good celebration!

  9. I love mini trips for our wedding anniversaries. This way we remember every special anniversary. This is the best gift for us!

  10. I love the idea of a mini road trip to celebrate anniversary’s! Then you always associate the new city with that anniversary!

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