Best Bluetooth Hearing Aids for Tinnitus You Can Look At

The Mommies Reviews
Tinnitus can be an extremely debilitating condition. Read on to know how Bluetooth hearing aids can help.

It is estimated around 48 million Americans have some kind of hearing impairment. 

Research has been able to show how hearing impairment and tinnitus can affect people’s ability to engage in social situations. A lot of these people suffer and are unable to make sense of their surrounding environment. But, does hearing aids help with tinnitus for real?

In these cases, hearing aids are available to provide relief to these people. Hearing aids can help to amplify sounds and at the same time, improve how well users can hear. 

Most modern hearing devices come with Bluetooth technology. These hearing aids can be easily connected to your smartphones or your Smart TV. 

These are able to send signals to your hearing devices, and you can adjust the volume according to your preferences. 

But which are the best Bluetooth hearing aids for your tinnitus

In the following few paragraphs, we will take a look at some of the best Bluetooth hearing aids available in the market. These can help you with your Tinnitus problems. Read on to learn more about it. 

  1. Nano Sigma

Nano makes some of the best and affordable hearing devices in the market. The advanced technology of Nano’s devices makes it very convenient for the users. 

Nano Sigma is another innovative hearing product with Bluetooth connectivity. It has also become very popular among many users. 

In order to use the Bluetooth features of this device, you will need to get the mobile app. The app needs to be synced with your hearing aid. After that, you are good to go. 

Nano Sigma also has noise-reduction technology, making it very useful for patients who have tinnitus. The battery of this device is also very powerful. It can perfectly fit behind your ears as well. 

  1. Miracle-Ear Connect

The Miracle-Ear Connect has advanced technology that can easily connect to devices and smartphones using Bluetooth.    

This hearing device has plenty of options with regard to both styles of hearing aids. It also has a battery that is both rechargeable and replaceable.

The tinnitus masking features of some of these devices make them very convenient for most tinnitus patients. 

Users also appreciate the clarity of this hearing device. They find it helpful in crowded and noisy areas. However, one thing users do complain about is the unclear return policies. 

Otherwise, this device is easily one of the best devices available in the market for Tinnitus.

  1. Lively

If you are looking for an affordable hearing device with Bluetooth connectivity, then Lively hearing aids can be one of the best choices. 

Lively provides affordable devices to their customers compared to their competitors. The Bluetooth connectivity of this hearing device is very good, and you won’t face any issues while syncing it with your smartphone. 

Another fantastic fact about this device is it can easily last for around 30 hours with a single charge. So, you won’t face any issues with charging this device. 

These hearing devices also come with a transparent wire connected with a small receiver right behind your ears. 

In short, Lively is one of the best hearing devices, according to many users. 

  1. Audible Via

Another hearing device that’s booming in the market right now is Audible Via. This particular hearing device is designed to connect with Android or Apple devices effortlessly.    

Audible Via even gives you access to Audible’s Thrive application. This allows you to customize your own hearing experience depending on your preferences. 

This device is also rechargeable. You even have the liberty to choose your desired style of hearing device. You can choose between in-ear, behind-the-ear receiver, or in-canal styles. 

One thing to note here is, according to a few of the reviewers, the device needs repair after only a year.

  1. Kirkland Signature 10.0

This is another hearing device that is booming in the market currently. It also has a well-designed Bluetooth connectivity option and is particularly loved by most users. 

Furthermore, this device is also very durable and can even withstand a lot of wear and tear. Yet, it’s highly advisable to handle these devices correctly and even make sure that you perfectly fit them with your ear, as there are chances to fall off if it stays loose.  

Kirkland Signature 10.0 over-the-ear hearing devices also come in five different kinds of colors, and you’ll also be amazed to know that the storage case of this device can act as a recharging station as well. 

Yes, more like a power bank for the hearing device!

Furthermore, they are also very affordable than any other hearing device, and the noise masking ability of this device is also remarkable. Thus, patients with tinnitus can be highly benefited.   

  1. ReSound Linx Quattro 9

The Linx Quattro 9 can easily be paired with Android and Apple devices and even with smart televisions. 

You don’t even have to replace the batteries as you can quickly recharge them. As far as the styles of this device are concerned, you can either go for a customized fit of your own or even choose from the existing styles. 

You can even use the ReSound 3D application for customized hearing and control of the sound intensity with your hearing preferences. That’s not all, you can even use this application to find your hearing aids if you somehow lose them.  

This device, too, can mask the sounds, so you’ll surely get some help with your tinnitus. 

Bottom Line

The Bluetooth devices mentioned above are some of the most advanced devices you can get in the market. However, among the products mentioned, Nano Sigma can give you the best durability and perfect sync of Bluetooth connectivity. 

Lastly, seek the advice and suggestion of your audiologist regarding your tinnitus complications and see which hearing device he recommends. 

Reference articles:

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates