This is a review for a company called BEE&YOU. They sent me Bee Pollen Whole Granules and Propolis Raw Honey Throat Spray in exchange for a spot in this year’s Father’s Day Gift Guide.

The first product I would like to share with you is Propolis Raw Honey Throat Spray which is now a staple in my Medicine Cabinet as Charlie and David can use this when there Allergies are bothering them.
Or we can use Propolis Raw Honey Throat Spray when any of us end up with a Sore Throat. I also told Charlie he should try this as a Breath Freshner instead of the products he usually uses as it doesn’t have harmful ingredients in it that could hurt us.
Do you suffer from throat irritations, sore throat, throat dryness, cough, colds, flu, persistent bad breath and throat infections.?
A remedy is hidden inside mother nature…Sometimes in the root of a plant, sometimes inside mineral water…And one of the most potent forms of that remedy is hidden inside the bee hive…
Propolis, a natural bee product that bees gather from plant stems, leaves and buds has powerful anti-bacterial and antioxidant effects, is used to kill germs inside the hive and to keep the bee colony healthy. The main function of propolis for bees is to provide and maintain the antiseptic environment in the hive. Honey bees use propolis for protecting larvae and themselves against microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungus) and they use it as a source of disinfectant in the hive. It has a high antioxidant capacity due to its rich content of flavonoids and phenolic compounds.
BEE & YOU Propolis Raw Honey Throat Spray is processed by a team of experts using state of the art technology, knowledge, equipment and technique to ensure all polyphenols, terpenoids, amino acids, volatile organic acids, ketones, coumarin, quinones, vitamins and minerals are preserved during processing. Our Propolis Throat Spray contains no alcohol!
The second product I was sent was Bee Pollen and we can use this in the morning in our Breakfast meals. Pollens are the sperm cells located on the stigma of the pistil of plants. The bees collect pollens from flowers and utilize it for feeding larvae and worker bees that produce royal jelly. As a major source of protein and vitamin, pollen plays an important role in the nutrition of bees and it contains fats, carbohydrates, fibers, minerals, amino acids, phenolic compounds and vitamins. The rich content of pollen is composed of vitamins (niacin (B3), pyridoxine (B6), thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), pantothenic acid (B5), folic acid, biotin (H), tocopherol (E), ascorbic acid (C), beta carotene), minerals (potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), phosphor (P)), phenolic compounds, aminoacids, fatty acids and organic acids in addition to protein, carbohydrates, fat and fiber content.
BEE&YOU products (Royal Jelly, Propolis,Pure Raw Honey) are antiviral, antibacterial and natural energy boosters. BEE&YOU support the immune system and prevent flu and cold naturally.

BEE&YOU are great Mothers or Fathers Day gifts, back to school items as well as Holiday Gift items! They’re effective in fighting allergy (spring and fall) symptoms naturally. Just what my sister and her family needs.
100% natural; Gluten Free; Non-GMO; Pesticide Free; Free from additives & colorants & preservatives BEE&YOU products have innovative taste options for kids and adults. The Company saves the bees by contracting directly with the the bee keepers!
The Founder of BEE&YOU is a female scientist who cured her son’s disease with her research and BEE & YOU products she developed. I would like to share there most recent press release about CoronaVirusDiet:
The Brand has 31 awards, and recently it won the Best Female Executive Award of the Year
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates