Becoming A Druid: Book One: Protectors of Pretanni by Mike Mollman (Review)

The Mommies Reviews

I wanted to bring a new series to you and share book one of the series called Becoming A Druid: Book One: Protectors of Pretanni by  Mike Mollman (Author) that I received a PDF Copy of from Voracious Readers and the Author in exchange for this review. Inside this post in my affiliate links if you click on the links and make a purchase I will make a small percentage from the items you purchase.

Becoming A Druid: Book One: Protectors of Pretanni is historical fantasy series. The book i dark at times and its a new genre for me. I did enjoy the story but at times had to stop reading because it got grom at times which kept me on the edge of my set. I liked the fun animal transformations and David read the story and he said this is a dramatic adult epic fantasy and he liked the story a lot and can’t wait to read the other novels which I’m not sure I will read.

If your someone who enjoys magic, druids, tales of giants and elves, world building and a non-stop adventure you will be hooked on this series and find much of yourself in the new young Druids’ adventures and difficulties. Grahame must be Grahame, even when he doesn’t wish to be. If you have ever gotten into trouble for doing the right thing, you can commiserate with him. Trouble, daring and danger follow him at every turn fighting for supremacy.

The premise is that a slightly older than usual Druid apprentice (since he did not get along with his first two mentors) is sent on his Druid quest (by his much wiser third mentor) to retrieve a certain object in order to become a full Druid. The quest seems dangerous and tied to the Obsidian Mage who has been gaining power in the land recently and who the Druids are trying to oppose

About the book:

Grahme has wanted to be a druid for as long as he can remember. Talented but headstrong, he runs afoul of a despotic, mind-controlling mage during his initiation quest. Intrigue and distrust have turned the druids against him. Haggard and hunted, he must make impossible sacrifices or lose everything.

Protectors of Pretanni
Book One

Meet the Author: Mike Mollman

Mike Mollman profile image

Mike Mollman is a charming individual graced with good looks, undeniable charisma and humility. These descriptions come straight from his keyboard, so they must be treated as unimpeachable facts. Mike lives in the Richmond, Virginia area. When he’s not self-aggrandizing, he likes to spend time with his two dogs and the many voices in his head

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates