Beauty Surrounds Us

The Mommies Reviews

It’s Saturday, and time for Art website: Charlie and I will be checking out the following website Beauty Surrounds Us. If you have used this resource for Homeschooling what did you think of it and why?

Recommended Website: Beauty Surrounds Us

Age Range: 7-18 (Grades 2-12, with parental supervision; young students may enjoy looking at the photographs in this collection).

This PDF, from the National Museum of the American Indian, presents a “breathtaking presentation of Native American art.”

Enjoy scrolling through the photos and reading the descriptions: 

  • Nurturing Identity – clothing
  • Recreation and Pastimes – objects used for games
  • Honor and Respect – items designating individuals of importance
  • Elegance of Presentation – adornment
  • Communication Through Sound – musical instruments
  • Tools of Existence – knives, arrows, tools, tool cases, bowls, etc.
  • Containing Culture – bags for holding things
  • Expressions of Movement – dancewear
  • Power of Transformation – masks
  • Design as Identity – traditional/indigenous designs and the incorporation of new materials and art forms

The point of this presentation is to increase appreciation for the beauty with which Native peoples have always had a natural desire to surround themselves.

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates