For #PictureYourselfinMesquiteFamTour I wanted to share Bear Cave Coffee and Market Place Mesquite which takes place right across from each other. I liked being able to park in front of the Market Place Market and check out the vendors and then wander across the street to Bear Cave Coffee.

I also liked seeing all the other stores including a Quilt Shop I would like to go and check out as soon as possible. I would like to take my sister and my niece Alyssa with me.
We was able to talk to the lady working on the Revitalization project and seeing the buildings that are ready for rent. If only I lived in Mesquite I could look into opening my own business.

Or I could do like Bear Cave Coffee and partner with a local business and use there facilities. Bear Cave Coffee is using a building that a Church owns and will also be starting a Black Box Theater in which I can’t wait to go back and watch the plays they put on.
Bear Cave Coffee is a family owned business. I like supporting these business the most and I wish we had Bear Cave Coffee here because Bear Cave Coffee would be the perfect place to host events and to go and work with my team on new post and projects were planning.
David said he would like to return to Bear Cave Coffee to try out the different flavors of Coffee they offer there customers. Charlie says he would like to return and bring Lily and Jason to play in the Bear Cave.

I could see myself crawling up on one of the couches has in the lobby with a book or my computer. David, would be catnapping and Charlie would be playing.
Or examining the Art they have hanging on the walls for sale. I can’t wait to check the Art out because we are redoing our living room. David and I said it would be nice to have Art for the Living Room and also the Dinning Room.

Saturday, June 29th from 10 am-1 pm we will have our artist spotlight meet & greet with Rebekah Ayres from @thehollowbuffalo! She will be talking about her art that’s in the shop, selling prints, and we will be having a live July 4th t-shirt screen print that’s only available that day! Come on down and meet her and get a limited edition Bear Cave Coffee // The Hollow Buffalo collaboration July 4th shirt!

Before leaving Downtown Mesquite we were able to visit The Mesquite Marketplace. If I had a Ice Chest with me I would’ve brought Fresh Vegetables home for my family.

As well as Gifts for the ladies on my Gift Giving List but we didn’t have room in our car. Also, Charlie was with me and there were Gifts I wanted to purchase for Charlie and he would have seen them.
I need to take a day and visit The Mesquite Marketplace. before Christmas so I can get some of my Holiday Shopping done early. Even though I plan on returning during the Holidays for the events Mesquite host.
Located in Heritage Square, 150 W. Main Street, the Mesquite Marketplace is open from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.