We went to the Fort Worth Stockyards to walk around. While there I found several Baseball Caps I would like to get for me. I prefer a another style but Charlie thought these would be cute with the T Shirts I wear.

Everyone knows I love Tequila and my family does drive me crazy at times so I knew this would be the perfect hat for me. I should get it for Granny Sherry as well.

I am a wife, mom, and boss which means this is the perfect hat for me. My sister and even granny Sherry and also my step daughter Leslie. If your a mom, wife and boss wouldn’t you like this hat as well?

I found a hat that said Sunshine and Whiskey. I need this hat for the nights we host Wine tasting in our home. I don’t drink Wine I do Tequila , Rum or Whiskey. What would be your preference and why?

I have always wanted a Cowboy and I love the Rodeo. Next year when I get tickets for my family if I was to purchase this hat it would be the perfect hat to wear.

Being a mom it’s rare when we get to sit down. Exercising isn’t something I have time for a lot of times. But even with a 12 year old they can keep us busy. Which is why this hat that says Mommin Is My Cardio is true.

Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates