Back to School Gift Guide: Ambitious Girl by Meena Harris (Review)

The Mommies Reviews


I wanted to share a new children’s picture book called Ambitious Girl by Meena Harris (Author),  Marissa Valdez (Illustrator). I received a copy of in exchange for this review. Inside this post is my affiliate links. If you click on the links and make a purchase I will make a small percentage off the items you purchase.

Before I share my review with you I would like to remind you the Upcoming Presidental Election is coming up soon. I would also invite you to check out other books that will help your family prepare for the upcoming election and in our Back to School Gift Guide.

I sat down this morning to read Ambitious Girl by the New York Times Bestselling Author Meema Harris and the little girl on the cover of the book reminded me of my niece Lily who just like the girl on the cover of the book is ambitious and has a infectious smile just as this girl did.

I like how the book takes us through the past, present and future of challenges faced by women and the way they reframe, redefine and reclaim words that were meant to knock them down. Even though Charlie has graduated and were not homeschooling now.

I shared these words with Charlie and we discussed what the meant to us and how we can help others use these words in there lives bringing families closer together while getting conversations started and families spending time together off electronics.

Ambitious Girl is a picture book for girls of all ages but I can see boys enjoying the story as well. I like how the Author reminds us to not let anyone tell us who we are but we should tell them who we are. I also love how the Author reminds us the little girl is loved, valued and that she has hope and powers just as we do.

The Author reminds us how women before us opened many doors for us. Reminding us to make space for others ahead of us. The Author has taken time to tell us what words like persistent means that children might not have heard before giving us a teaching moment.

About the book:


Anyone who’s ever been underestimated or overshadowed will find inspiration in this empowering picture book from Meena HarrisNew York Times-bestselling author of Kamala and Maya’s Big Idea.

When a young girl sees a strong woman on TV labeled as “too assertive” and “too ambitious,” it sends her on a journey of discovery through past, present, and future about the challenges faced by women and girls and the ways in which they can reframe, redefine, and reclaim words meant to knock them down.

As Ambitious Girl says:
No “too that” or “too this”
will stop what’s inside us from flowering.
From now on, when I hear “too that” or “too this”
I won’t mind—it’s empowering

Meet the Author: Meena Harris

Meena Harris profile image

Meena Harris was born into a family of ambitious women whose legacy continues to inspire her. Meena herself is a lawyer and entrepreneur, as well as a #1 New York Times-bestselling author. In 2017 she founded Phenomenal, a female-powered organization that brings awareness to social causes. She currently resides in San Francisco with her partner and two daughters.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates