We all know school is out for Summer for most of the children who attend public school. As for children attending Homeschool they may go year-round As for Charlie he opted to resume school Monday. I can’t wait to share our Back-To School Gift Guide 2023: Back To School, Backpack! by Simon Rich and Illustrated by Tom Toro which we received in exchange for this review.

Charlie is in high school now and doesn’t use a backpack although at times I wish we had one when going on Field Trips. I remember taking Charlie to pick out school supplies with a lunch kit and backpack was a lot of fun and meant a new school year would be starting soon. Can you imagine everything a backpack goes through each day?
As well as the places they end up including the school room floor at times? In this children’s book Back To School, Backpack! we follow the backpack and learn more about how he feels. This morning in our Creative Writing Class I am going to write a day in a backpack’s life. Then I am going to share this book with Charlie so we can see how the two stories compare. Would you like to join us for library time as we read the stories aloud?
If you have a backpack then I hope you take into consideration how it feels and that you’re a little nicer to it this year than years past. Like our children this backpack got nervous and a hug or two can change that. Did you know a backpacks favorite time of the year is Summer? Because they just hang out in the house.
Did you know a backpack has a mouth that you shove your books into? Be careful don’t feel the backpack to full. Then you spin the backpack backwards not even thinking our backpacks can’t see. Now its off to school and can you imagine all a backpack goes through? Like being stuffed in a locker for hours and hours on end.
Or dragging the backpack upstairs by its head hitting its butt on the stairs. Before you ask yes, backpacks have butts which Charlie thought was so funny, and I bet your children do as well. I bet you didn’t even think your backpack is naked… Did you? Everyone has a place except me your trustworthy backpack.
This isn’t fair, is it? This makes our backpacks feel like were in everybody’s way. I don’t know about you, but this made Charlie and I sad and if we get another backpack we plan on being kinder to it. Will you also treat yours kinder please. Make sure you place your backpack around other backpacks so yours’s can make friends.
A hilarious yet reassuring back-to-school picture book by humorist, novelist, and TV writer Simon Rich– a clever and sweet follow-up to I’m Terrified of Bath Time, where a child’s backpack frets about first day-of-school jitters!
In this hilarious yet reassuring back-to-school picture book, a backpack deals with first-day-of-school nerves and feeling out of place. Filled with crowded hallways, lonely cafeteria tables, toilet stalls, and the signature existential angst of Simon Rich, this fun read-aloud will have kids braving classrooms with a smile (and maybe taking better care of their trusty backpacks…).
About the Author: Simon Rich
Simon Rich has written for “Saturday Night Live,” Pixar and “The Simpsons.” He is the creator and showrunner of “Man Seeking Woman” (FXX) and “Miracle Workers” (TBS), which he based on his books. His other collections include Spoiled Brats and Ant Farm. He is a frequent contributor to The New Yorker.
About the Author: Tom Toro
Tom Toro is a cartoonist and writer. Over 200 of his cartoons have been published in the New Yorker since 2010, as well as the New York Times, Playboy, the Paris Review, and elsewhere. Tom’s essays have appeared in The New Yorker Cartoon Encyclopedia, and his short stories have appeared in the New Haven Review ,Slush Pile, and Litro.
Tom attended NYU graduate film school, where he cocreated films that played at Sundance, Tribeca, and Cannes. Tom has been interviewed and profiled by NPR, the Huffington Post, and the San Francisco Chronicle. He lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife, kid, and cat.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates