I would like to welcome you to a new #HGG Sponsor Babo Botanical. This will be my first time to try out Babo Botanical but I am excited to be able to try out there products. I have purchased Bath and Body products from other companies in the past and items Charlie couldn’t use those products because Charlie ends up itching from the ingredients they use.Which is why I am excited to be able to try out Babo Botanical because I want to see if these products keep Charlie from itching and scratching himself raw. If Charlie is able to use Babo Botanical then this is what I will purchase from now on.
With all the little ones that come in and out of our home I think Babo Botanical would be better to have on hand for them to use. Because a lot of the items we purchase in the stores we shop for have harmful ingredients in them. I don’t want any of the kids I know to be hurt or to use harmful chemicals on there bodies. which is why we will be switching to Babo Botanical