August 8 National Frozen Custard Day #FrozenCustardDay

The Mommies Reviews

David and Charlie have to go over to my Cousin David’s to help him with some Hunny do’s he can’t do himself. Once the finish I would like to take David and Charlie out to thank them for helping my Uncle David as my sister, brother and I’ve always called him.

We all know today is August 8th and its National Frozen Custard Day #FrozenCustardDay I was thinking about taking Charlie to get Ice Cream at Braum’s .David can get Frozen Custard to celebrate #FrozenCustardDay. Although, I would like to go to Freddys because I love there Hot Fudge Sundae’s. Would you like to go with us?

National Frozen Custard Day is celebrated on August 8th each year. We all know Frozen Custard is the perfect Summer treat with its smooth texture and taste. Frozen Custard is even quite simple to make and is typically prepared fresh at the place of sale. Frozen Custard is a beloved dessert across the globe and on National Frozen Custard Day you can get in on the fun by eating frozen Custard.

The idea of Frozen Custard is not new, but rather fairly ancient. The idea of cooking Milk with Eggs to make Custard thick dates back to at least the Romance times and Custard is even mentioned in Apicius. Probably, Custard could be even older than that.

Later In the 17th Century, Fruit Creams started gaining popularity and Custards began to be made as individual dishes or bowls instead of just fillings or Crust. While Custard is quite similar to Ice Cream, the United States Food and Drug Administration mandates that Frozen Custard products must contain at least 10% of Milk Fat and 1.4% Egg Yolk solids.

It was in 1919, that Frozen Custard was invented in Coney Island, New York. Two Ice Cream vendors by the names of Archie and Elton Kohr realized that when they added Egg Yolks to Ice Cream, it resulted in a product that was smoother in texture and helped the Ice Cream stay cold for a longer duration which was perfect for hot Summer afternoons. During the first weekend of f Archie and Elton Kohr selling Frozen Custard, they ended up selling 18,640 Cones on the boardwalk itself.

Frozen Custard started gaining immense popularity throughout the Midwest and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, actually came to be known as the “unofficial Frozen Custard capital of the world.” It might be time for a Road Trip to check them out. Would you like to come?

Frozen Custard Day falls right during the Summer months, making Frozen Custard the perfect dessert to enjoy to beat the heat. Frozen Custard is so simple to prepare and it is even easily available in local stores. On National Forsen Custard Day, grab a bowl of Frozen Custard and bask in the glory of a tasty treat. Don’t forget to invite your friends and family to celebrate with you.

Here is a recipe for you to prepare your own Frozen Custard

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates