August 7 National Lighthouse Day #NationalLighthouseDay

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, did you know today is August 7th which is National Lighthouse Day #NationalLighthouseDay. I don’t know about you but I would love seeing a Lighthouse up close. Charlie also said he would like to see one as well.

I have a question for you. I’m in Fort Worth, Texas. I have a question for you. Do you know where we can go and see a #lighthouse n person? Or which City we should visit and why we should visit that City and why? What other than a #lighthouse should we see? Where should we eat at?

Lighthouses are wondrous things. Including beautiful, yet incredibly useful. On  National Lighthouse Day, which is August 7th, we celebrate how Lighthouse are a scenic, historic structure which comforted travelers throughout the Centuries. Did you know in 1789, the U.S. Congress passed an act securing the protection of all lighthouses under federal support.

If you ever visit a lighthouse, you’ll understand the serenity and stability lighthouses represent to viewers on land.  While lighthouse technology has evolved over time, lighthouses were once widely used to mark dangerous reefs, shorelines or harbors. Today, we imagine how a lighthouse’s beacon of light offered hope to those seeking land in the midst of stormy seas and dark nights.

How to Celebrate National Lighthouse Day 2021

  1. National Lighthouse Day calls for lighthouses, when possible, to be open to the public. If you’re within driving distance to a Coast, take today to make a trip to see a Lighthouse with your friends and family.
  2. The American Lighthouse Organization is dedicated to preserving and protecting Lighthouse structures. If you visit a lighthouse, consider making a small donation to its operating organization in order to continue providing public access.
  3. Lighthouses are beautiful and they make for great artwork. Paint or photograph a lighthouse and give your pic to that relative who has a collection of lighthouse postcards. If you don’t know anyone who collects Lighthouse Postcards you can always hang the postcards up in your home.

Why we love National Lighthouse Day 2021

  1. Did you know originally, burning coal or even fires were used as the “lamp” or the source of light in a lighthouse. Lighthouses later made use of oil-burning lamps and finally, electric lamps in 1875.
  2. Lighthouses are located on Coasts and Cliffs, and lighthouses are subject to storms, high winds and other extreme conditions. Yet, many lighthouses remain viable and strong, even today.
  3. Did you know America’s oldest operational lighthouse is the Boston Lighthouse on Little Brewster Island in Boston Harbor, MA built in 1716.
  4. The cylindrical shape, coupled with the scenery of the surrounding Coast or Bay, makes lighthouses a popular photographic destination. It’s no surprise because there’s a quiet comfort in seeing a lighthouse standing tall on the edge of the Ocean.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates