August 28 National Bow Tie Day #NationalBowTieDay

August 28 National Bow Tie Day #NationalBowTieDay

The Mommies Reviews

August 28th is National Bow Tie Day #NationalBowTieDay. Did you know when Charlie was little and in Elementary School all he wanted to wear was a button down dress up shirt with a Tie and 99% percent of the time Charlie would wear a #bowtie and a lot of times Charlie still wears a bowtie and even though a lot of people don’t care for bowties I still like them. How about you?

National Bow Tie Day, on August 28th, is the one and only holiday dedicated to everyone’s favorite underrated accessory. Take the opportunity today to dig out your favorite bow tie and parade around town to show everyone just how dapper and sophisticated you are in your bow tie!

Even if you pair your bow tie with jeans, you’re sure to look top-notch while wearing such a statement accessory. Today, we celebrate Bow Ties and all the people that regularly choose to wear Bow Ties. If you know someone famous that wore a Bow Tie let me know how so Charlie can check them out.

Since time immemorial, or at least since the 19th Century, the bow tie has been the epitome of class, elegance, and that certain panache of the social- and intellectual upper echelons. Whether you were of high social stature by birth or renowned in intellectual circles for your wit and prowess, the bow tie told the world of this.

Maybe not quite that excessive. The bow tie has, since its humble origins, become a symbol of status and stature in many social circles. Interestingly enough, the first inclinations of a bow tie were actually worn by Croatian Mercenaries during the Thirty Years War in the 17th Century.

The soldiers needed neckties that mirrored scarf knots. Of course, the French, taking a cue from this relatively fringe and scandalous source, popularized the trend in Paris before the trend spread throughout the rest of the fashion-aware world.

From then, the bow tie would become an important part of formal dress, and especially popular amongst medical and doctoral doctors. Eventually, the tie’s popularity would wear off during WWII due to the shortage of materials to make bow ties and people to wear them.

However, it’s no secret that the bow tie has survived in circles of ballet attendees and Bond villains alike. Today, the bow tie can be seen at black-tie affairs and, ironically, on hipsters, alike. National Bow Tie day is thus the celebration of all of the history and symbolism tightly packed into a pristine knot.


  1. Take the opportunity today for no more clip-ons or pre-tied ties on National Bow Tie Day. If you have the opportunity you should learn how to properly be a gentleman who can be responsible for their own bow tie and those of their fellow party-goers as well.
  2. Take the time today to throw a party to celebrate Bow Ties! You could have bow tie trivia, watch old movies with lots of bow ties involved, and serve bow tie pasta! Remind your guests a Bow tie is required for entrance for men and women alike.
  3. You can’t celebrate National Bow Tie Day if you didn’t snap a pic of you in your bow tie for Social Media? Share your selfie of you and your bow tie on Instagram, or post some pics of you and your friends wearing bow ties to your stories.


  1. Silk is made from the silk strands of thousands of Silkworms, making silk a very intensive and painstaking process reserved for the most elegant of wearers.
  2. Sea Silk is harvested and made from Clam fibers, and there is only one person on Earth who knows how to perfect this perfect fabric.
  3. In ancient China, anyone caught trying to smuggle Silkworms out of China were sentenced to death.
  4. If you’re a Mosquito-favorite, try stepping out in silk some time because Mosquitos can’t seem to break through the threads!
  5. The legendary Silk Road stretched from China to parts of Europe as early as 130 B.C.


  1. Remember when the black tie was the norm for evening events? I do. That doesn’t mean we don’t get a rush of historic, Titanic-era nostalgia every time we see a bow tie.
  2. Bow ties are a touch of elegance and a connection to a time when that was expected.
  3. It is a universally acknowledged truth that everyone and everything looks better while boasting a bow tie. Throw a bow tie on and, while you’re at it, throw a bow tie on your friends, your partner, your dog, and your computer and get to celebrating.
  4. There’s no way to pull off a monocle without a bow tie.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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