August 27 National Just Because Day #NationalJustBecauseDay

August 27 National Just Because Day #NationalJustBecauseDay

The Mommies Reviews

August 27th is National Just Because Day #NationalJustBecauseDay and let me tell you I’ve been asking myself why am I doing this or that and today gives me the perfect answer. Just because…. What about you and what do you think about National Just Because Day and why?

On August 27th, you won’t need a reason to celebrate. All you need is National Just Because Day. Why? Well, just because. If you want to make Spaghetti for breakfast wearing last year’s Halloween costume, more power to you. If you want to climb a Tree as an adult, take the risk. It’s a day to stop worrying about the whys.

Just Because Day has also become a great way to spread random acts of kindness. Send a thoughtful card to a friend, just because. Give your grandparents a call, just because. Pick up the trash from your neighbor’s yard, just because.

The original version of Just Because Day may be a movable holiday called Because Day that was first celebrated on the third Wednesday in May. National Just Because Day was invented in the late fifties or early sixties, by Joseph J. Goodwin of Los Gatos, California.

Joseph J. Goodwin turned the gift of a transistor radio for his wife into their own family holiday. For the Goodwin’s, It wasn’t so much about a radio as it was about celebrating life, free afternoons, and family. And so, what began as a wholesome family holiday celebrating the beauty of spontaneity in life, grew into an annual celebration across the United States.

As we grow up and assimilate into the world, we tend to fall in line with always doing what is expected of us. And for many people, that might get a little boring. On National Just Because Day, these unspoken rules society hath paved before us no longer apply.

National Just Because Day is your golden opportunity to do whatever it is your heart desires. National Just Because Day is to encourage you to march to the beat of your own drum. Your chance to do something with no rhyme or reason.

Whether you want to drink milk wearing a cow onesie, going on an impromptu road trip anywhere, or surprise a friend with flowers. National Just Because Day is your chance to add a little spontaneity to your life. It’s also a golden opportunity to spread some positivity to others! Pay a tab for the table next to you. Leave a nice note on someone’s desk. The possibilities are endless and the only thing holding you back is you!

On Just Because Day, feel free to do something without any rhyme or reason. That’s the tradition. Why does everything need to have some logic behind it anyway? Some things are done just because. What will you do today and why?

Just because actions or activities usually stem from a “what if I” train of thought, or an impulse. The results are enjoyable and the more uncommon the activity, the better. The most random of random thoughts that first come to our minds upon seeing something are acted upon.  

Some suggestions are: taking a short or long trip just because, dropping a visit at someone’s house who you haven’t seen in a while just because, walking backward just because, smacking the object to your right just because, or having dessert before dinner just because. 

National Just Because Day Activities

  1. Surprising a friend with a thoughtful gift, just because, won’t only brighten their day, it could create a positive ripple effect for everyone they meet. After teaching your friend about Just Because Day, you can encourage them to spread the good news. Be the bearer of good vibes, just because!
  2. National Just Because Day encourages random acts of kindness. Do your part to share the holiday by posting or commenting with the hashtag #justbecauseday.
  3. At some point in your day, make it your goal to elicit from someone a question along the lines of “But why?” Then, you can tell them nonchalantly, “just because.” This will further spread awareness about this unusual holiday. Your “just because” response also indicates that you are an adventurous soul who follows your own mind.

Fun Facts Just Because

  1. Salvador Dali walked around Paris with an Ant-eater on a leash just because
  2. Mike Tyson owned a solid gold bathtub just because.
  3. Mike Tyson deserves to be on this list twice because he also owned three Royal Bengal Tigers just because.
  4. Benjamin Franklin would write his essays naked in cold rooms while claiming they were “air baths” just because.
  5. Keanu Reeves has been donating millions of dollars to children’s hospitals for years just because.

Why People Love National Just Because Day

  1. Sometimes falling into a rut is a vicious cycle, and breaking from that routine seems more difficult every day. With Just Because Day, you can throw a massive wrench into any plan, shake things up, and start anew.
  2. While spontaneous decision-making should be kept to a minimum, some of life’s best memories come from the freedom of not overthinking. Calling in sick to drive to a new beach with your best friends hopefully won’t do any long-term damage but it will certainly give you a lasting memory. Say “just because” when someone asks you why you did it. (Of course, if the boss finds out the REAL reason for your absence and docks your pay; if you ask why, take it like the man or woman you are when the boss replies, “just because!”
  3. It’s easy to lose track of yourself in the fast pace of today’s world. But now, you have a license to treat yourself to whatever it is you need. Maybe it’s as simple as buying the sugary Cereal you swore off a year ago or as big as taking a risk at work or in your personal life. Remember, this is your self-care day, just because.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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