I bet you Ganny Sherry is excited because August 14 World Lizard Day #WorldLizardDay. Granny Sherry has a Lizard called Lizzy. This is her second Lizard and both David and Charlie like petting this Lizard and even taking her for a walk or going outside with her so she can play. Before you ask what about me. No, no Lizards for me of any kind no, how. Bug, Spiders and Snakes either. How about?

If you love Lizards then your going to be excited to find out World Lizard Day is celebrated on August 14 every year. World Lizard Day may not be a well-known holiday, but it’s still celebrated on local levels with schools, parks, and Reptile enthusiasts being the main groups celebrating World Lizard Day.
Educational and fun events remain a staple of World Lizard Day. Reptile enthusiasts use the internet to spread information about their love for Lizards. World Lizard Day hasn’t been adopted by higher-level conservation organizations like the World Wildlife Fund (W.W.F.). Instead, World Lizard Day is mainly focused on awareness about Reptiles as pets.
Like many odd holidays, the origins of World Lizard Day are unclear but that don’t let its murky beginnings dissuade you from celebrating World Lizard Day, The species of Lizards is dying out worldwide due to ignorance and lack of attention. World Lizard Day may be about Lizards, but we can’t pass up on the opportunity to tell you more about Reptiles in general. It’s the spirit of World Lizard Day after all!
All reptiles are air-breathing vertebrates covered in scales, plates of bone, or a combination of both. Species of this family include Snakes, Lizards, Crocodiles, and Tortoises. All of these reptiles shed their skin and depend on the environment to regulate their body temperatures.
This dependence on outside factors when it comes to regulating their core body temperatures means that Reptiles have to find Sun and shade in order to warm up or cool down. In areas that have colder winters, Reptiles generally experience a period of inactivity until the weather grows warmer again.
Lizards are no different, which is why you see Lizards sunning themselves in your warm garden or on the bricks that soak up the Sun throughout the day. For pet Lizards, staying warm or cool is a different matter entirely. People who own Lizards as pets need to heat their tanks with heating lamps or pads without overheating the space.
In fact, preparing and maintaining a tank for a Lizard or any Reptile requires a great deal of initial and continuous effort. Each subspecies of Reptile has specific needs and preferences. It’s recommended that aspiring and even current Reptile owners do research on exactly what their pet needs to be happy and healthy.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates