My daughter and also my Uncle Chuck loved Audrey Hepburn and enjoyed watching her movies. There favorite was Breakfast At Tiffany’s. Which you might be surprised to learn this is a movie I haven’t seen but would like to watch.

Which is why in Charlie’s Homeschool Music Class I plan on having Charlie study Audrey Hepburn and we can look through the movies and pick out one or two she was in for Charlie to watch in our Drama Class. Along with Breakfast With Tiffany. Would you like to join us for our #familymovienight?
Audrey Hepburn: From Hollywood Legend to Style Icon; Includes 6 FREE Postcards (Book and Print Packs)
Audrey Hepburn brought a refreshing beauty to the world of stardom and glamour. Her style was simple and elegant and filled with sophistication. This gift set celebrates her career, personal life and impact on fashion as a true fashion icon and Hollywood legend. Read the stories about legendary icon, Audrey Hepburn, in this beautifully illustrated presentation wallet which contains a 64 page full color book and six ready-to-frame 8×10″ prints.

Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates