Back to School Gift Guide: ArtNautrals Top 6 Essential Oils Set

The Mommies Reviews

I wanted to share with I received in exchange for this review. I wanted to also share arttnaturals Top 6 Essential Oils Set 6 Piece Set – .33 fl oz (10 ml) Each Aromatherapy Essential Oil Diffuser we received for this review. Inside this post is my affiliate links. If you click on the links and make a purchase I will make a small percentage from the products you purchase.

arttnaturals Top 6 Essential Oils Set 6 Piece Set comes in a cute little box that will fit in any drawer or can be taken on the go. I could see using the Oils when traveling or being in a Park to calm our children and even ourselves at times.

Inside the kit is Lavender which helps calm us down. I use Lavender in my home at all times because this is my favorite scent. What about you? The scent isn’t overpowering and even David didn’t mind it. But Charlie isn’t to crazy about Lavender even in real flowers. Charlie did say he wouldn’t mind using this bottle of Lavender because it isn’t overpowering.

Next was Eucalyptus Oil which helps Energize us and David has been using this in our car on the way to work and when he arrives he is calm and ready to go to work. I also have it sitting out on my desk and use it throughout the day when I need a burst of Energy. The scent is calming and not overpowering.

Rosemary Essential Oil helps with focus. I don’t know about you but I need to take stock out Rosemary because helping on focuses something not only Charlie and I need help with but David does too. When Charlie would have a test or I have a project do we use this and yes,

I can tell a difference and we are able to stay on task. With Back to School right around the corner you should check Focus out for your family and use it every morning before the kids leave for school and you leave for work.

Inside the kit is Peppermint and did you know you can cook with Essential Oils and add Peppermint to your Tea? Before you ask my family hasn’t done this but with Winter right around the corner I could see David making him a glass of Peppermint Tea. Would you like a glass with David?

Peppermint bring a spa ambience into our homes and we’ve used it in the restroom when we’ve felt anxious. In the kitchen when cooking and the smell of food had become overwhelming and to get over the smell of wet dogs when its rained. I hope you check out Peppermint for your home.

Tea Tree is also in this kit and again is perfect for children going back to school because Tea Tree helps get rid of Lice. I used to always use Tea Tree Oil with Suzzane when washing her hair and I need to do the same with Charlie and I. What do you use Tee Tre Oil for and why?

Last but not least was Sweet Orange and everyone loved the way this smells and we’ve used it in every room of the house. During Christmas we will even use Sweet Orange as a Air freshener when company is coming over.

Knowing Sweet Orange will help us stay motivated I’ve been using this for the past week and I can tell it has helped me stay motivated and to get my work done. I bet the Sweet Orange would do the same for you and your family.

Check out the Diffuser we got here:

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates