Artisan Theatre #GivingTuesday

The Mommies Reviews

Last week was #GivingTuesday to help Charites with donations all during that day. But charity should just be one day of the year. It should be everyday. Would you please check out Artisan Theater and consider making a donation to them.

Let’s do something big together!A week from today is Giving Tuesday, and we set a biggoal: We want to raise $25,000 in a single day to fulfill all of our goals to grow our Children’s Academy. Your support can help make it possible.

 Let’s do something big together

Meet Eisley & Amrynn Wood. These sweet young ladies are relatively new to Artisan. They arrived last Summer to join our Moana Camp.

What you can’t see in these photos is these precious angels both suffer from individual forms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. During Covid their symptoms grew exponentionaly. Tiffany Wood, the girls mother, told me about how difficult the last few years have been. She told me the very first day after camp. Her girls came out grinning from ear to ear and said “Mom! We found our people!”. I spoke with Amrynn while doing a show with her recently and asked how she felt about Artisan and being on the stage. She said, “I knew when I did Moana Camp that I had found my life’s purpose. I finally get to be with people who don’t judge me or try to change me.” I’ve worked with these talented young ladies in several shows and can attest to their natural talent and drive for the arts. Eisley doesn’t just act, she is an incredible artist as well.

At 11 years old these two sisters are a shining example of what the arts can accomplish in the youth of our community. Giving them a purpose as well as teaching kindness, inclusivity and even the life skills necessary to be successful members of our great society.Together, we can reach this important goal on November 29.Since Giving Tuesday relies on the limitless potential of socialmedia, don’t forget to share, tag us, and use the hashtag#GivingTuesday and #ArtisanAcademy.Busy that day? You also can make a gift now to be processed on Giving Tuesday. From all of us at Artisan Center Theater, thank you for yoursupport—on Giving Tuesday and every single day you help toenable our mission! #GivingTuesday

Make a contribution today Donate Now


Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates