Arnica Boost

The Mommies Reviews


A couple weeks ago I was working in the kitchen cleaning off the cabinets and loading the dishwasher. The phone rang. I stopped loading the dishwasher to go answer the phone. Like all moms who multitask I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings. My shoe caught on the kitchen rug in front of our kitchen sink. I ended up tripping and hitting the Knick knack shelf that sits in our hallway.

Throughout the day my arm began to hurt. I couldn’t move my shoulder. David wasn’t home so I could get to the hospital to get my arm and shoulder taken care of. Charlie went into my restroom and brought me Arnica Cream a pain reliving cream that helps with inflammation. I had Charlie open the tube for and he helped me put the cream on my shoulder and my arm. It didn’t take long until both of them begin to stop hurting and I was able to move my shoulder and arm.

During the fall I also hurt my thumb which is hard to bend which makes typing hard. I’ve not been able to move my thumb as much hen I begin working I dab a little pain relief cream on the back and front of my thumb. I’m able to get the work I need done without being in pain. With the cold weather we needed to go Christmas Shopping. I knew the weather would bother mine and David’s knees. Before heading out I had David use the pain relief cream on his knees and I used it on my hand and shoulders.

Having Arnica Boost is a God-send. I will be able to resume my walk in the New Year and lose the weight I’ve been struggling to lose. Which is why I’ve decided to join a walking challenge. Would you like to join me in this challenge as its always more fun to exercise with a friend. Before you ask what happens if its cold we can walk inside using

If your like me and hurting all the time I hope you take the time to check out Dr. Hoy’s natural pain relief which both adults and children can use. Especially teens like Charlie who live eat and breath sports and weight lifting. As your filling your Christmas Stocking this is the perfect Gift for everyone you know. God must be preparing me for the future as my father had GOUT and I’m afraid I may as well one day and now I have something which will even help with Gout.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates