April 7 National Beer Day #NationalBeerDay

The Mommies Reviews

Today is Sunday which is family dad in our home and I don’t like David drinking on Sunday’s but today is April 7th National Beer Day #NationalBeerDay and we all know David loves his BEER and he does work hard. I might have to make a exception today and purchase a can of Beer for David and yes, all he drinks is one Beer a day if that. Which isn’t bad is it? Would you like to join David for a Beer this evening and before you ask what about me I don’t like the taste of any Beer so I will sit this Holiday out unless you want me to use my Beer in Beer Bread or on a Brisket which sure sounds good for Sunday lunch.

National Beer Day - LaverneManas

April 7th is National Beer Day, a time where we can raise a toast to the oldest and most venerable of all beverages. People have been making Beer for over 5,000 years; in fact, the oldest recorded recipe we know of is for Beer.

Did you know Beer is the world’s most widely consumed alcoholic drink and for most people it’s easy to see why. Beer comes in hundreds of types, of flavors, and proofs. People have been drinking Beer for thousands of years; Scientists have found evidence of Beer production dating to 7,000 BC.

Ancient Mesopotamians wrote poems about Beer, and considered Beer proof of divine existence. The Ancient Egyptians used Beer in a number of religious ceremonies. In Medieval Europe, Monks made Beer their Monasteries, elevating the craft of brewing to an art form. Today, only Water and Tea are more widely consumed than Beer, and over 35 billion gallons of Beer are produced worldwide per year. 

National Beer Day celebrates the day in 1933 that the Cullen-Harrison act was signed into law, reversing the prohibition on selling Beer in the United States. In 2009, a Virginian man named Justin Smith decided to commemorate this historic day, and created his own unofficial National Beer Day. Since then, National Beer Day has been recognized by the state of Virginia, and unofficially by millions of brew aficionados nationwide.

One of the best things about Beer is the sheer number of varieties that exist including IPAs, Pilsners, Stouts, Sours and we all know the list goes on and on. In terms of alcohol content, Beer usually ranges between 4-7% ABV, meaning you can sip a cold Beer on a hot Summer day without much worry of intoxication. Last but not least, Beer is sold in six-packs, so you can share Beer with your friends!

National Beer Day Activities

Head to a Craft Beer Bar these days and sample there wares and don’t forget to take a friend or to and if you drink to much don’t drive.

Invite your friends to join you on a tour of a Brewery and sometimes they offer free samples.

If you feel like enjoying Beer if your own home then you should Brew your own kit and if your not sure how to get started pick up a DIY Kit at a local store.


  1. Per capita, the Czech Republic consumes the most Beer of any Country.
  2. In England, it is common for boys to drink a “yard” of Beer on their 18th birthday which is three pints, end-to-end without, stopping.
  3. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, calls itself the Beer capital of the world, hosting America’s four largest breweries.


  1. There are tons of Beers to try and now more than ever, there are an endless variety of Beers hitting store shelves when purchasing Beer today trying a unique blend can be a lot of fun.
  2. Beer is one of the most widely consumed drinks in the world.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates