April 4 National Burrito Day #NationalBurritoDay

The Mommies Reviews

Life stinks at times and then we get up and dust ourselves off and move on. Today is #NationalBurritoDay and we have Frozen Burrito’s in our Ice Box and may have Chili in the Cabinet and lots of Shredded Chedder Cheese and David has Hot Dogs so I could make Smothered & Covered Burrito’s for me for dinner and Chili Dogs for David to celebrate April 4 National Burrito Day #NationalBurritoDay.

That isn’t going to happen even though I’ve been craving a Chili Cheese Covered Burrito for a while because we have left over Pork Chops that has to be eaten today with Macaroni and Cheese with Field Peas. Yes, that does sound good but not as good as the Burrito’s my grandmother Dorie used to make for dinner or the ones Burger Box sells. But life goes on and I will eat the leftovers and not complain because there is people without food of any kind. Are you having Buritos for dinner this evening?

National Burrito Day falls on the first Thursday of April allowing us to celebrate a meal served in a fresh Tortialla.

Here is ways to Celebrate NATIONAL BURRITO DAY

  • Grab your family and friends and go out for Burritos or save money and prepare Burritos at home.
  • I have a question for you. Who makes your favorite ? Burritos? Tag them on Social Media and let them know.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates