Life is funny today is April 4th which is International Carrot Day #InternationalCarrotDay. Today is Charlie’s day to prepare dinner for his for oue family as part of his #homeschool Cooking Class. I’ve been telling David for the past couple days I wanted to make a Roast but not a Pot Roast with Carrots and Potao’s but one cooked in our Stove.

I get up this morning and find out it’s International Carrot Day and Carrots isn’t something we eat unless there is a Pot Roast. Or a long time ago back in the dark ages I would purchase a can of Carrots and prepare them with Butter but since Charlie wouldn’t eat the Carrots and I didn’t think David would as well I haven’t purchased them in years.
I love Cooked Carrots and David loves Raw Carrots Charlie would like ask you a question. If you fix Carrots for your family how would you suggest Charlie prepare the Carrots and what should Charlie serve the Carrots with? We do have Pork Chops left over from last night and that is what I was going to warm up with Mac & Cheese and a Vegetable which could be Carrots I guess.
Today is the day to get out into the garden and to shake off the dirt and pick any Carrots you can find and don’t forget to wear your best orange on to celebrate International Carrot Day, on April 4th. I know a lot of people and even me at times wouldn’t be caught without a pack of carrots in the Ice Box.
Because this vegetable is not only highly affordable with a long shelf life, but is also exceedingly beneficial for our health. Carrots bright our winter Soups. Carrots can be turned into Cream Cheese Icing in our Cakes, and they make Pot Roasts taste so yummy. Carrots are always a welcome guest on any plate.
The first annual celebration of Carrots occurred in the year 2003 with the pure intention of celebrating the Carrots. As of now, celebrations have been reported to occur in France, Italy, Sweden, Russia, Australia, Japan, and the U.K. It seems Carrots are a rather hearty plant that can grow in many diverse conditions, though Carrots typically come into harvest in the Summer and Fall seasons of their growth sites.
California is responsible for 85% of the Carrots that U.S. citizens purchase in grocery stores across the Country. While the taproot is traditionally the star of the culinary show, Carrot Greens which is the part that grows out of the soil and toward the sun are equally edible. Many Countries use this portion of the plant to mix in with their Salad greens.
Carrots are among the few vegetables that are harvested primarily for their roots, rather than their sprouts. Joining them are Potatoes, Turnips, Radishes, and Beets. The traditional Carrot’s hue is a deep orange with yellow undertones, but there are many different variations in color harvested worldwide, including purple, red, and pale yellow.
Due to the Carrot’s longevity when stored in the refrigerator, it often makes appearances in dishes for all Seasons, from Spring to Autumn to Winter. Carrots can be eaten raw and fresh, with only a little scrub under cool water as preparation. When raw, the crunch of a Carrot can be heard from many feet away. Carrots can be served as a sweet treat in Carrot Cake, or as a savory dish to meats including Salmon or Chicken.
- After visiting your local grocery store or Farmer’s Market to gather some different Carrot varieties, come home and prepare the Carrots for a blind taste test.
- Did you know you could grow your own Carrot plants just by using the scraps from your grocery store purchase? When you’re ready to use your Carrots, cut the tops of them off and set them aside. Place the stump-cut side down in a shallow glass dish and fill with about one inch of water. Set the dish in a sunny windowsill and top the water off each day and watch your Carrots grow.
- At a Farmers’ Market, almost all produce has been harvested at peak ripeness, sometimes even within the last 24 hours before you purchase it.
- When you shop at a Farmers’ Market, you’ll only be able to purchase what is already in season so you should design your weekly menu to Mother Earth’s bounty, and you’ll be reducing carbon emissions and helping the planet.
- Local farmers, are the life of your farmers’ markets, can help introduce you to new Fruits and Vegetables that you may never have heard of before.
- Carrots are a fridge staple and wen it comes to finding enthusiasm in the kitchen, we can often overlook the simple staples that have carried us through a lifetime. International Carrot Day reminds us about Vegetable that is likely in each of our refrigerator drawers.
- The primary vitamin in Carrots is beta-carotene, which transforms into vitamin
- Carrots are among the cheapest Vegetables available for purchase in the U.S!
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates