April 10 National Cinnamon Crescent Day #CinnamonCrescentDay

The Mommies Reviews

I would like to share a unique Food Holiday with you which falls on April 10th which is National Cinnamon Crescent Day #CinnamonCrescentDay. I don’t know about you but as much as I love Cresent Rolls I don’t think I’ve ever had a Cinnamon Cresent Roll or David and Charlie either. Although I might try one this week. Would you like to have a Cinnamon Cresent with me?

Cinnamon Crescents are easy to make but when your preparing the Cinnamon Crescent Pastry, the dough is filled with ingredients like Sugar, Cinnamon, and Butter. Once the stuffing is inserted, the dough is rolled into a crescent shape and is then put into the oven for baking. After a few minutes of baking, the Crescent is ready to be eaten. This pastry is sweet, which makes the Cinnamon Crescent a tasty dessert. Here is a fun tip for you. You can add Icing Sugar to the pastry for extra sweetness.

The history of National Cinnamon Crescent Day is shrouded in mystery and no, one is aware of the person or organization that came up with the idea to celebrate Cinnamon Crescents but I’m glad were celebrating them because its a new dessert for my family to try. The investigation and research about National Cinnamon Cresent Day is ongoing and people hope to discover the creator soon.

Cinnamon Crescents taste delicious when served hot straight from the oven but this doesn’t mean Crescents cannot be enjoyed cold or even a few days later. Cinnamon Crescents are similar to Croissants. The only difference is that the surface of a Croissant has a light flaky crust with a Buttery interior.

Did you know the secret to making a perfect Cinnamon Roll is making the dough first and thereafter laminating the dough with several layers of Butter or Vegetable Oil. The ingredients that are used to make the Cinnamon Crescent include the crescent-shaped dough, a quarter cup of softened Butter, a quarter cup of white Sugar, and a half tablespoonful of ground Cinnamon. This pastry contains the nutritional value of Cinnamon, meaning that it is rich in fiber, magnesium, iron, and calcium.

Did you know Cinnamon has been used as an ingredient throughout history. Cinnamon was originally used in ancient Egypt, where it was rare and valuable. Cinnamon was regarded as a gift for Kings. Today, Cinnamon is cheap, accessible in every supermarket, and is found as an ingredient in various foods and recipes.

Cinnamon is made by cutting the stems of Cinnamon Trees and removing the inner bark. When Cinnamon dries, it forms strips that curl into rolls. These strips can be ground to form Cinnamon Powder. The unique smell and flavor of Cinnamon are due to the oily part of the stem, which is very high in the compound Cinnamaldehyde.


  1. A way to celebrate National Cinnamon Crescent Day is by learning a different recipe for Cinnamon Crescents which Charlie is going to do for his Homeschool Cooking Class. Would you like to join us and make some for your family?
  2. You can also bring Cinnamon Crescents to your friends and family.


  1. There are two types of Cinnamon which is Ceylon and Cassia.
  2. An average Cinnamon Tree grows to a height of 60 feet.
  3. Cinnamon Barks or Powder can be used in savory dishes, sweet dishes, and even in drinks.
  4. Cinnamon has medicinal properties.


  1. The best thing about Cinnamon Crescents is everyone savors this dessert.
  2. National Cinnamon Crescent Day encourages us to celebrate by trying something new by tasting a new variety of Cinnamon Crescents.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates