Charlie and David both love anything to do with the Galaxy and the Universe. I can’t wait to tell Charlie and David I have tickets for them to see Apollo 11.

I would like to let you know my family will be going to a AMC Parks@Arlington, Tx in Dallas-Ft.Worth #8907 3861 South Cooper 76015. I chose this theater because we haven’t been here before.

I can’t wait to go and watch a movie at this theater because its a great way to create new memories with my family while checking out local businesses we can share with our family.
Apollo 11 will be a event Charlie is able to share what Charlie learns in the movie with his classmates and friends. I just wish we had purchased extra tickets because I would have liked to bring both of Charlie’s best friends because I know they would enjoy Apollo 11 a lot.

In the method ultimately employed, a powerful launch vehicle (Saturn V rocket) placed a 50-ton spacecraft in a lunar trajectory. Several Saturn launch vehicles and accompanying spacecraft were built. The Apollo spacecraft were supplied with rocket power of their own, which allowed them to brake on approach to the Moon and go into a lunar orbit. They also were able to release a component of the spacecraft, the Lunar Module (LM), carrying its own rocket power, to land two astronauts on the Moon and bring them back to the lunar orbiting Apollo craft.Encyclopedia Britannica
A cinematic event 50 years in the making, Apollo 11 features never before seen large format footage of the mission to land on the moon led by commander Neil Armstrong and pilots Buzz Aldrin & Michael Collins. A journey that should only be experienced on the big screen.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates