An Astrological Guide to Understanding Sagittarius Season 2023: Key  Dates and Influences

The Mommies Reviews

Guest piece from Letao Wang, certified spiritual counselor. Wang is specialized in professional tarot, astrology and numerology. He is also the founder of The Healing Kingdom and creator of the intuitive oracle card deck Oracle of the Mythic Heroes. 

An Astrological Guide to Understanding Sagittarius Season 2023: Key Dates and Influences

Get ready to buckle up for a wild ride, mommies, because Sagittarius Season 2023 is ready to take off! Imagine embarking on a wild safari, gaining the wisdom of a thousand wise owls, and seeing the world’s wonders – all while sipping coffee in your favorite pajamas. Yup, that’s the Sagittarius magic for you. Guided by Jupiter, the cheerleader of the cosmos, Sagittarius is about to turbo-charge our mommy lives with a dose of optimism that would make even a rainbow jealous. So, let’s welcome this fiery sign’s season with open arms, and maybe a mop in the other hand (because, let’s be real, someone’s going to spill something).

As the sun decides to vacation in Sagittarius beginning November 22nd, it seems our ‘mommy’ or ‘daddy’ genes decide to do a bit of role-play and turn into ‘Yoda’ genes. That’s right, folks. It’s time to morph into the wise, guiding beacon for our little Luke Skywalkers, helping them navigate the thrilling yet confusing galaxy of life. Grace and wisdom? We’ve got it covered!

Then, on November 24th, Mars decides to crash the party and adds a turbo boost to our Sagittarius vibes. It’s the ideal day for you to put on your superhero cape and dive into those tough-but-necessary heart-to-hearts with the kiddos. Topics on the table could range from the mysteries of math homework, the jungle that is young love, or why eating broccoli is akin to gaining superpowers. Just remember to use your newfound Mars energy for good – channel it into enlightening chat, not energy-blasting outbursts.

As Mercury will continue its journey in Sagittarius until December 1st, creating a harmonious and love-filled atmosphere at home. Use this day to express your heartfelt love to your children and partner through gentle words and encouragement. Show them your appreciation and make them feel cherished and valued.

The most important day, of coursem is the New Moon in Sagittarius occuring on December 12th/13th depending on your global location. It offers an abundance of energy, inspiring enthusiasm and a drive to embark on fresh endeavors. Sagittarius, represented by the Archer, is known for its adventurous spirit and pursuit of knowledge, making this New Moon a perfect time to explore new possibilities. Embrace this celestial opportunity to broaden your horizons, whether that involves starting a new intellectual pursuit or experimenting with different ways of thinking. This is also an ideal time to aim higher in your personal and professional goals. The Sagittarian energy encourages us to step out of our comfort zone and embark upon an adventure, so don’t hesitate to take risks and pursue what sets your soul on fire. Remember, the New Moon is a time for beginnings, so use this energy to set intentions that align with your highest aspirations.

Closing out the season, on December 21, the sun leaves Sagittarius marking the Winter Solstice. This day is perfect for some introspection about your journey as a mother, and how you can further enhance the atmosphere of love, learning, and growth within your home.

Sagittarius Season 2023 will be a beautiful journey for all mothers, encouraging us to lead with wisdom, love, and understanding. It’s all about giving our homes a touch of Sagittarian magic – a spirit of adventure, a love of learning, and a heart full of grace. Embrace the season, dear mothers, for it brings gifts beyond our imagination. To find more about the celestial dance and astrology, check out Letao’s instagram.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates