I would like to share a Family-Friendly event that is perfect for Homeschoolers who are looking for new resources for Music Class or even Drama Class. Or would like to take there children on a Field Trip. Amigo Guitar Shows presents Guitarlington 2022. Isn’t that the cutest name?

Remember to mark your calendars for the fabulous upcoming guitar show in Arlington, Texas…. Guitarlington 2022. This event returns to the fabulous Arlington Convention Center, aka Esports Arena & Expo Center, America’s favorite guitar show venue. The show will convene October 15-16. As you know, Guitarlington brings America’s best vintage guitar buyers to this legendary Texas show, known as the finest event of its kind in the country. Find that guitar or amplifier of your dreams at this show. The Amigos always encourage each of you to bring all the instruments you can carry to sell or trade. Start cleaning out those closets and bring all those musical items you no longer need or use to this great show. You may even utilize a small cart with up to 8 guitars and or amps (items) to show your merchandise around the venue. Be prepared to meet vintage dealers, used and new product vendors, buyers, appraisers, authors, repairpersons, collectors, artists and an occasional celebrity.
Admission is $20 at the door. No charge for children eleven years and younger when accompanied by an adult.
Booth space still available.
More info about Guitarlington 2022 at www.amigoguitarshows.com
Facebook @Amigo Guitar Shows
Information about the Shows
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates