Amgo Games

The Mommies Reviews

This is a review for Amigo games who sent me Clack, Fruit Porch, X-Code, No Thanks, L.L.A.M.A and Escape from the Hidden Castle in exchange for this review.

Being a parent during Covid-19 is a scary feeling as we face children returning to school and not knowing what is going to happen. I have been hearing more and more parents (moms especially) saying they may Homeschool there children.

I would like to help prepare them for Homeschooling which when starting out can be overwhelming and frighting not only for the parents but the children.

I would like to remind you you can teach your children anything they are interested in. You can use workbooks, YouTube Videos and websites online to enhance your children’s studies.

As well as Board Games as they teach math and reading to our children. A lot of games even include STEM. With Charlie having ADHD and being Dyslexic his counselor recommended Board Games and puzzles to calm Charlie down.

I am excited to add these Games to our classroom and no, we haven’t played with them as I wanted to save them until Charlie begins classes and we do our Tuesday Taco Night and Family Game Night.

When we do sit down and play the Games from Amigo I will come back and update this post so you know how the Games worked out for our family. If you have played any of them what did you think of them and why?


(5+, color/category recognition) *OUR BEST-SELLER!

The Magnets Clack as They Stack Yellow stars! Red lightning bolts! Blue footprints . . . where are they? Spread out the magnetic discs, roll the dice, and scramble to match the picture and the color. Make a match, grab a disc, and use its magnetic clack to build a stack. Keeping score is easy—just line up the stacks to see whose tower is tallest.

  • The magnets connect with a satisfying “clack
  • Constant action—every player plays on every turn
  • Magnets are safely sealed inside of the discs

Fruit Punch (5+, math/counting skills)

Spot Five and Bop the Banana! In one of the world’s top-selling games, players inspect the cards as they’re flipped to find five of the same fruit, then race to squeak the banana. It’s a full-on fruit frenzy!

  • More than 11 million units sold worldwide
  • Features a squishy banana-shaped squeaker
  • Used in schools to improve counting and math skills

X-Code (8+, Cooperative Game)

You Have 3 Minutes to Save the World. Mayday! The world’s computer networks are down, and you can only bring them back by entering a secret 12-digit code.

But you can’t do it alone—tell the other players what you’re missing to complete your part of the code, then swap to collect the cards you need. But each card can only be passed in one direction, so you’ll need to work together in this frenetic game that requires good communication, strategy, a little luck, and lots of skill . . . and that’s only for the first level.

There are 10 levels in all—they get more and more challenging in this game that is designed to bring people together.

  • Creates togetherness–all players win or lose together as a single team
  • 10 levels of missions get progressively more challenging to solve
  • Contains two sealed card boxes with secret challenges–players crack the seals to reveal them
  • An action-packed cooperative game (honest!) that plays in 3 minutes

Escape from the Hidden Castle (7+, Move your game pieces to avoid being captured!)

You Can Run and You Can Hide…But Only for a Moment with strategy and a little luck, players try to scurry away from the phantom and escape the castle.

On each turn, a roll of the die moves one player forward or unleashes the phantom. Players can hide in the safety of the castle’s chambers, until another player boots them out. In the end, there’s no escape…for all but one.

No Thanks! (8+, Really fun strategy card game)

Take It . . . or Let It Go? It sounds so simple, and it is: Take a card or pay one chip. If you take the card you get its points, but points are bad. But you also get the chips that others have played, and that’s good (each chip nullifies one point). So say, “No thanks!” and play your chips, but watch out: When you’re out of chips that card’s all yours.

  • One of Board Game Geek’s top 100 family games
  • Fast play features bidding and bluffing
  • Great for travel and play at home

L.L.A.M.A. (8+, award nominated card game- like UNO, with a twist!)

Nominated for the 2019 Spiel des Jahres — Do Not Let Llamas And Markers Accumulate! Try to get rid of all your cards so you don’t take any markers, but if you can’t you have a real dillama—should I pick another card or quit?

Maybe you can play that card later, but if not you’ve just hurt your score. The player with the fewest markers wins in this game with the name that says it all: Don’t Let Llamas And Markers Accumulate!

  • Nominated for the 2019 Spiel des Jahres
  • Unique scoring system adds strategy and risk
  • From well-known inventor Reiner Knizia (600+ games published)
  • Made in Germany—European quality and tariff-free!

You can see our complete catalog here:

Founded in 1980, AMIGO Games is a German game manufacturer, focusing on children’s, family, strategy, and card games. The company is known for producing games that feature high quality components, excellent gameplay, and themes that resonate with consumers—all at a fair price.

Image may contain: text that says 'AMIGO'

AMIGO’s games are sold in 38 countries worldwide, including the US, but the company has never established an office outside of Germany . . . until now.

There is many more games I would like to purchase for Charlie not only for school but Family Game Night. As well as purchasing games give as Gifts for families with children on my Gift Giving List.

Thank you,

GLenda, Charlie and David Cates

Thank you,

Glenda, Cgarlie and David Cates