Charlie’s best friend Bradley enjoys reading just as I do. The other day he brought me one of his favorite books. America’s Most Haunted Hotels written by Jamie David Whitmer.

I sat down and begin to read this new book David asked me what it was I was reading. I told him it was America’s Most Haunted Hotels. David asked me if I would help him read the book because he wanted to see what Hotels was listed.
Charlie heard me reading and he came into the Dinning Room with us before I knew it a hour had gone by and neither Charlie or David had moved. They were so intrigued with the stories.
Once we finished reading Charlie and I discussed how we could study the States mentioned in the book during our Homeschool Geography Class. I also reminded Charlie to write in his Reading Journal what he learned from the book this morning.
Usually Charlie moans and groans when I ask him to do this but that didn’t happen this morning. Charlie even drew pictures to go along with his Illustrations.
I can’t wait to visit Half Price Books and see if there is more books on Haunted Hotels Or boos written by Jamie David Whitmer Charlie and David would like to read.
Phantom footsteps pace the stairs at the Myrtles Plantation. A seductive spirit tugs on the sheets at the Copper Queen. Ghost children whisper and giggle at the Kehoe House.
Journey into the mysterious world of haunted hotels, where uninvited guests roam the halls, supernatural sounds ring throughout the rooms, and chills run along the spines of those who dare to check in for the night.
Join Jamie Davis Whitmer, author of Haunted Asylums, Prisons, and Sanatoriums, as she explores some of the most haunted hotels across the United States.
From the Jerome Grand Hotel in Arizona to the Palmer House in Minnesota, each hotel is discussed in great detail, covering everything from the building’s history and legends to first-hand accounts of spooky sounds and smells, ghost sightings, EVP sessions, and more. You’ll also find photos, travel information, and everything else you need to plan your own visit to these iconic hotels.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates