Kristoff Bjorgman is a fictional character in Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Frozen franchise. He appeared in the animated features Frozen and Frozen II, and the animated short films Frozen Fever and Olaf’s Frozen Adventure. He is voiced primarily by Jonathan Groff. Wikipedia
Watch the movies Frozen and Olaf’s Frozen Adventure, Frozen Fever, Frozen 2
Pick two of the movies and write how Kristoff is the same in the movie and how he might be different.
Discussion Questions:
- How old is Kristoff in frozen?
- What is Kristoff backstory?
- Is Kristoff a Disney prince?
- What type of animal do we see Krisoff with?
Spelling words:
- Kristoff Bjorgman
- Frozen
- Olaf’s
- Jonathan Groff
- animated
Create your favorite scene from one of the Frozen movies featuring Kristoff and act out the Scene for your parents.
Learn the song Lost in the Woods and perform it in your Music class.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates