Like all parents its hard for David and I to know what is the right choice with Charlie and if he should return to school or not. Before Cornia I thought Charlie would go back.

With Charlie’s learning disabilities I wasn’t sure that was the right choice. We were faced with a Pandemonic called Cornia-19. I listened and learned our children might be required to wear a mask.
I knew in my heart wearing a mask all day wouldn’t be the best thing for Charlie. This would trigger Panic Attacks and I would be called to pick Charlie up from school.
As I sat in front of the computer watching other parents struggle as well. I knew I needed to keep Charlie home for at least part of the year. I could have Charlie register and do Virtual Online learning through the school.
David and I chatted neither of us thought Virtual Learning would be the right choice for our family. As I Prayed I had friends step up and say they would help me Homeschool Charlie.

After speaking to them and Praying to the Lord new doors begin to open. I found resources Charlie would like to use in school. Including All Fun-Schooling PDFs from Thinking Tree Books.
I plan on purchasing PDF- Reading Time Journal – Minecraft Themed -Reading, Spelling & More – Ages 7+ 180 Day Reading Journal – Just Add Books!
Print at Home for all your children ages 7 to 17! A Creative Language Arts Journal that allows students to build literary skills while they read all about the things they love!
Homeschooling works perfectly when kids get to study and research their passions, hobbies, special interests and dream careers! Your child will study any subject and develop a life long love for learning.
Use this book to keep track of all the books your child uses during the school year! Kids will enjoy the Minecraft Theme, but there is no need to play the video game in order to use this book. Use books from your home or from the library to turn this Journal into a Language Arts Curriculum.
For Charlie to do a review for 6th grade I also plan on purchasing How to Make Money – A Handbook for Teens, Kids. Since Charlie should be in 7th grade I wanted to purchase Do It Yourself Unschooling Journal: & Eclectic Learning.
For those of wanting to purchase a all in on curriculum, which I thought of purchasing for Charlie they offer 7th Grade Dyslexic/ADHD Curriculum Bundle. Which might be able to help me keep Charlie on task as he is Dyslexic and I belive he also has ADHD.
7th Grade Dyslexic/ADHD Curriculum Bundle

Designed for seventh graders who have signs of, or have been diagnosed with, dyslexia or ADHD. These journals help students learn using a fun approach. We’ve included our Dyslexia Games curriculum program as a therapeutic intervention for dyslexic and struggling learners. All of our materials use a dyslexia-friendly font and are designed with dyslexic students in mind,though any child can use them.
6th Grade Boy's Curriculum Bundle

Sixth grade is the perfect age to build a strong foundation for independent and advanced study.These materials use a fun approach that keeps kids engaged.They can love learning and have a lot of fun while studying advanced and in-depth topics like grammar,careers,and science. Lessons are easy to plan and prepare. Each day students will complete different learning activities within these journals.They can work independently,in a small group,or as a full class. Our journals are easy to adapt to the individual needs of each student as well. An entire school year of creative and interactive learning ready to go for your classroom.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates