I’m excited my grandson’s Birthday is Wednesday. I will be able to spend time with Elijah. Once the Birthday party is over I can let Leslie and Elijah try out Aila Sit & Play.
When were done I want to let my niece Alyssa try out AILA Sit & Play with Lily and my nephew Jason. Charlie can even show them how Aila Sit & Play works and why he uses Aila Sit & Play in school
I can’t wait to let there parents know AIia Sit & Play was the mom’s choice and the Award named DMAI AILA Sit & Play among the best in Family-Friendly Products.
Having been rigorously evaluated by a panel of MCA evaluators, AILA Sit & Play is deemed to be among the best products for families.
LOS ANGELES (June 1, 2020) – The Mom’s Choice Awards® (“MCA”) has named Animal Island Learning Adventure (AILA) Sit & Play as among the best in family-friendly media, products and services.
The MCA evaluation process uses a proprietary methodology in which entries are scored on a number of elements including production quality, design, educational value, entertainment value, originality, appeal, and cost.
“We are excited to earn the Mom’s Choice Awards GOLD Honoring Excellence Seal of Approval for AILA Sit & Play, an intelligent monitor and edutainment system for toddlers,” said Helen Fu Thomas, DMAI Chief of
Staff and Chief Marketing Officer. “At DMAI, our mission of lifting humanity and applying our innovative insights to technology helps people learn naturally.
Along with learning, we are invested in helping people live better lives with cognitive AI. We have started our journey with our first product, AILA Sit & Play essential virtual preschool program for toddlers, and we’ll go on to preschool, then to K-12, and beyond. For us, it’s all about the journey and we are looking forward to it.”
To be considered for an award, each entrant submits five (5) identical samples for testing. Entries are matched to evaluators, who are professional educators and parents, in the MCA database.
Evaluators are bound by a strict code of ethics not only to ensure objectivity, but also to ensure that the evaluation is free from manufacturer influence. The five evaluations are submitted to the MCA Executive Committee for final review and approval.
“Our aim to introduce families and educators to best-in-class products and services,” explains Dawn Matheson, Executive Director of the Mom’s Choice Awards.
“We have a passion to help families grow emotionally, physically and spiritually. Parents and educators know that products and services bearing our seal of approval are high-quality and also a great value.
The MCA evaluation program is designed to incorporate the expertise of scientists, physicians and other specialists; but we also engage parents, children, educators, and caregivers because they are experts in knowing what is best for their families.”
With the evaluation now complete, the testing samples of the AILA Sit & Play will be donated to schools, libraries, hospitals and nonprofit organizations.
AILA Sit & Play (MSRP $199) is available nationwide on DMAI’s website, Amazon, Bed Bath & Beyond and buybuyBaby. For more information, please visit animalisland.us/sit-play/ and follow us on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram.
About DMAI, Inc.
DMAI, Inc. is building education products and services on a technology platform based on a unified theory of AI. With a growing team of top talent, DMAI aims to be the leading provider of commonsense reasoning and natural interaction with AI-based educational products and services for the good of humanity.
DMAI believes cognitive AI and personalized learning platforms can give people the motivation to advance their lives while empowering teachers and healthcare professionals to provide more personalized instruction and care.
AILA Sit & Play™ leads DMAI’s planned roll-out of at least four other AI applications within the next two years to improve healthy, joyful living throughout all stages of life, from K-12 to elder care. To learn more about DMAI and its solutions, visit https://dm.ai.
About the Mom’s Choice Awards®
The Mom’s Choice Awards® (MCA) evaluates products and services created for children, families and educators. The program is globally recognized for establishing the benchmark of excellence in family-friendly media, products and services. The organization is based in the United States and has reviewed thousands of entries from more than 55 countries.
Around the world, parents, educators, retailers and members of the media look for the MCA mother-and-child Honoring Excellence seal of approval when selecting quality products and services for children and families. Learn more about the Mom’s Choice Awards.
I like how AILA Sit & Play! at DMAI provides curriculum parents can use when Homeschooling there children. Which is why my daughter Leslie would like to get AILA Sit & Play! for Elijah.

The curriculum-based content is based upon educational best practices that promote healthy cognitive and emotional growth, growing with a toddler, beginning at 12 months to preschool age.
When using AILA Sit & Play our children will be able to work on the following skills literacy, numeracy, and vocabulary skills. Even though Aila Sit & Play is for younger children with Charlie struggling in some areas I can even use AILA Sit & Play to reinforce the task Charlie needs to learn.
Including enhancing Charlie’s Vocabulary. Charlie can practice sending messages and pictures to me for Language Arts. There are songs and Lullabies Charlie can learn for Music class.
AILA Sit & Play will allow Charlie to practice Critical Thinking. There is storybooks Charlie can listen to and reread allowing him to practice his reading.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and Cavid Cates