AdvoCare Spark Vitamin & Amino Acid Supplement - Focus & Energy Drink Powder Mix

AdvoCare Spark Vitamin & Amino Acid Supplement – Focus & Energy Drink Powder Mix (Review)

The Mommies Reviews

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I wanted to introduce you to AdvoCare Spark Vitamin & Amino Acid Supplement – Focus & Energy Drink a health and wellness company that is a Direct Company I used to be with. When I was married to my Ex. Back then the only way you could purchase there products was online through there website and having them delivered or picking them up at there Warehouse in Dallas which we did a lot.

Imagine my surprise when I found out you could purchase Spark at CVS now. If your not familiar with Spark it give us Energy but even though it isn’t for weight loss my ex-brother in law Greg lost weight when using Spark.

I’ve used it when I’ve gotten Migraine headaches and Spark was the only thing that helped me. I went to Advocare’s website last night and its a bigger container on there and Amazon but David went to CVS last night and picked up a container for our family.

I can’t wait to get started using Spark again because I know I’m going to feel better and so will David. At CVS David said they only had Orange and Fruit Punch. I like both of these flavors a but David got me the Fruit Punch because he knows I drink this flavor a lot with Charlie.


Spark Canister Vitamin and Amino Acid Supplement, Fruit Punch, 7.4 OZ 7.40 OZ, 0.6 lbs. Item # 588112.

Get a boost of mental focus and elevate your everyday energy levels. Spark is a zero-Sugar energy drink supplement that actually tastes good! With the same amount of caffeine as a small cup of Coffee.

Spark is the solution for anyone looking for an energy supplement that packs a flavorful punch.

Spark helps charge your mind and body so you can conquer any challenge that comes your way.

Vitamin packed and great when on-the-go, it’s the energy you need when you need it.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates