Advantages Homeschooling 101 for Parents

The Mommies Reviews

There are many various reasons why parents prefer to homeschool. For them, it seems the logical and best alternative to either public or private school education. As with any sort of education, there are both advantages and drawbacks.

It depends on the person’s teaching, their circumstances, and their ability as well as the student’s characteristics or nature. With this said, here are the advantages of homeschooling: 

  • Control of curriculum – Depending upon the state, you’ll decide the curriculum upon which your child can focus
  • The pace of learning – how long the kid spends upon a topic is up to your judgment and therefore the child’s capability
  • Religious freedom – the proper to show religion or not within the classroom freedom from external problems and situations like bullies, peer pressure and even boredom
  • Control over diet– There will be no cafeteria food or switching food when children aren’t alleged to do so
  • The elimination of pricey and potentially dangerous school trips.
  • Your child will be more focused on studying


As with any human endeavor, there are disadvantages to homeschooling.

These include:

  • Time – homeschooling can absorb a considerable amount of a parent’s time
  • Financial restrictions – so as for one person to stay home as a teacher, he or she may need to hand over their job effectively reducing the family income
  • Too much togetherness – you’ll be in touch together with your kids without little respite 24/7


Everything has advantages and disadvantages. This is why it’s necessary to think through a decision thoroughly. What is also essential is to be very conscious of the nature of your child. Some personalities aren’t the sort to undertake the experiment of homeschooling successfully. The private or public system of education, in such situations, may serve best the requirements of all parties.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates