I would like to share products my family or at least I have begun taking which is Glow & Beauty, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Sleep Easy Adult & Children Melatonin Gummies with Passiflora Sleep Aid Gummy that we received in exchange for a review. You can also check out more information on Checkable from there Press Release here.
I wanted to try Sleep Ease because mine and Charlie’s sleep patterns are all messed up in part from when David used to work all-nights. But he is back on days and Charlie is homeschooled. Charlie ends up staying up all night and sleeping all day. In a way that makes it easier for me as I can get my work done, Then wake Charlie up to help in the house and to do his work.
Other times having Charlie sleep all day is hard because we need to run errands or get work and school work done early and he is to tired to get up and then Charlie becomes grouchy. Things have to change and change soon especially if David is going to get a job like he wants to do. I need to get Charlie on a schedule of in bed by 9pm or 10pm and asleep no, later than 11 and for him to sleep through the night.
Then I need to do the same with me so I will not be tired all day and fall asleep anytime I am in the car or sitting on the couch watching TV. Plus I need to sleep through the night and not go to sleep by 10pm and wake up at midnight and end up being up the rest of the night because it keeps me from focusing and being as productive as I need to be.
I began taking Sleep Easy Gummies on Sunday evening to see how they would work. The bottle says to take 2 gummies 30 minutes before sleeping. Or as needed. On Sunday night I only too one because a lot of medicine like Excedrin PM makes me sleep longer than I intended to and I wake up groggy and disoriented.
There wasn’t any side effects from these and the one tablet took a little longer for me to fall asleep. On Monday I took the two tablets and ended up falling asleep sooner and slept through the night. I woke up at 7am without the help of a alarm and now I know I can use these and not have any problems.

Tuesday night I handed two of them to Charlie at 9pm and asked him to try these Gummies I hadn’t gotten in. I didn’t tell Charlie or David it was Gummies to help him sleep or he wouldn’t have taken them. I didn’t take any that night as I wanted to see how they worked with Charlie. He slept through the night and woke up by 8am.
Charlie was able to focus more in school and we were able to get the house done and his homework finished without all the breaks Charlie usually takes. I let David and Charlie know that the Gummies was to help Charlie sleep and Charlie said they worked and didn’t taste bad and he would be using them again.
After hearing this David asked me if he would be able to try them on his night off because he has to be up by 3am I didn’t want him to use them on a work night. Once David tried them he said he felt more rested the next day and being all-natural he would be able to use them and they wouldn’t show up on Drug Test at his job.
After hearing that David and Charlie liked Sleep Easy as much as I did I will be purchasing a extra bottle for them to keep upstairs with them while mine stays downstairs for me to use. Before you say you don’t like Gummies you are right but I didn’t mind these and being easier to swallow than pills you can bet your bottom dollar Sleep Easy is what I will be using.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates