This past weekend my family was given tickets to attend Addison Oktoberfest.

As soon as I mentioned to David I had tickets he was like a little kid in a candy story and couldn’t wait to go on Saturday. David got on the phone and called his friend to change shifts at work with him. Even though I let David know I could get a friend to go he wasn’t going to miss out on the Beer and German Food which he waits for all year long.
We arrived and as soon as we walked into the Gate and David saw the Steins of Beer being filled he took off to the Beverage Stand while Charlie begged to go check out the children’s area. I let Charlie and David know they were going to have to wait because I wanted to get a Selfie of Charlie and I done.
Then we would walk around and visit everything they wanted to see. As we started out we came to the Station making Animal Balloons and Charlie was nice and had a Pink Dog made for me. Charlie got another Dog for himself which I wanted to get a picture of but before I could Charlie BLESSED our Balloons to a little girl who liked our Dogs.

We continued walking and came to the Crayola Experience Booth and was told when visiting the Kids Area we had a chance to win tickets or other merchandise. Then we walked inside the Kids Area and Charlie begin to walk around. I enjoyed watching Charlie talk to people.
Before you ask no, we didn’t win tickets to Crayola Experience but its fine because I do plan on bringing my Niece and Nephew out in the future and I know Charlie will want to go with us. The nice part is Charlie can go during the day when kids are in school but if we take Lily and Jason we will have to go on the Weekends because there in Public School.
As we walked through and began to look through all the booths I found multiple Christmas Presents for David and Charlie. Charlie even purchased Beef Jerky for his Snack this week while David got German Mustard for his Sandwiches. Then they went to listen to the Music.

While I got into like to get Fried Potatoes and Onions which is my all time favorite way to have Potatoes fixed. After I begin eating Charlie and David decided they needed a Bratwurst and let me tell you I took a bite of Charlie’s and it was so much better than what we purchase in the Grocery Store.
Charlie and David are already making plans to return to Addison Oktoberfest next year and deciding who they want to bring with them. While Charlie is thinking about what Foods he would like to try next year. David has started a change jar so he can purchase Steins to add to his collection next year.

If you haven’t had the opportunity to attend Addison Octoberfest I highly recommend the event and that it is Family Friendly and if your wanting to walk and get steps in or your children are Homeschooled and need to do PE visiting Addison Octoberfest will let you get all of your goals in.
Event Dates and Hours

September 15 – 18, 2022
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates