Absolutely Incredible Kid Day®

The Mommies Reviews

Next Thursday, March 19 marks Camp Fire’s 24th annualAbsolutely Incredible Kid Day®. Each year on the third Thursday of March, Camp Fire asks adults across the country to celebrate a kid in their life by writing them a letter, sending them a text, making a video for them or any other medium they see fit.

Five Ways You Can Make a Big Impact This Absolutely Incredible Kid Day®

1) Match the medium to the kid. Know a YouTube connoisseur? Make a video. A little artist? Draw a picture. An emoji prodigy? Send a text. An enthusiastic conversationalist? Make that phone call. A lover of the written word? Write a letter. Even if it means getting out of your own comfort zone, choose a format that fits the age, habits, and communication style of kid you’re encouraging.

2) Go beyond incredible. Admirable. Amazing. Astonishing. Astounding. Awe-inspiring. Brilliant. Extraordinary. Formidable. Gifted. Impressive. Inventive. Marvelous. Notable. Outstanding. Remarkable. Splendid. Stunning. Super. Talented. Unreal. Wonderful. It doesn’t have to be “incredible.” Send a message that’s as unique as the kid you’re
encouraging. Also, highlight more of who they ARE, not just what they do.

3) Be specific about why they are incredible. Sure, it’s nice to be told you’re incredible. But it’s even better to know the details. Remember that we help kids develop a growth mindset when we praise their effort, strategies and progress. Instead of just saying “You’re incredible,” we can say, “You work really hard to make everyone in your class feel included.” Or “Your diligence in practicing the piano inspires me to keep practicing
my own skills, too.” The more specific you are, the more encouragement you’ll give.

4) Make it personal. Why do they matter to you? What difference do they make in your life? What have you learned from them? Is there something you wish someone would have told you at their age that you can pass on? Put some of your own story in the message, and it will mean twice as much.

5) Keep it up. You don’t need to wait for next year to make a kid’s day. Put a reminder on your calendar to follow up on the message you sent in a week or a month. Support from caring adults is a key factor in helping kids thrive. Those few simple words of encouragement on a regular basis can literally change a young person’s

This holiday is a simple, meaningful way to let our youth know how much they are appreciated and helps inspire them to be the best they can be. As adults, our words matter – you can easily change a young person’s life by this simple act of encouragement.

Camp Fire is a national non-profit organization serving more than 187,000 youth and families across 25 states and Washington D.C. In previous years, notable celebrities and influencers who have participated in this wholesome event include Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, Oprah, Pro Football Hall of Fame Inductee Jerry Rice and U.S. Astronaut and former Senator John Glenn.

This year’s #KidDay has special participation from two movies: The Call of the Wild (now in theaters), including a :40 video message from its leading actor Harrison Ford, and TROOP ZERO (now streaming on Amazon Prime Video), the first national Absolutely Incredible Kid Day® 2020 spons, or.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates