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Good morning, I would like to share a children’s book ABC’s of the Worlds Religions by Rev. Vicki Michela Garlock, Ph.D. (Author), Raman Bhardwaj (Illustrator) I received for a review.

In our Homeschool Classes Charlie does a Bible Class and this week for reading we will be reading ABC’s of the Worlds Religions even though the book was written for children from 4 to10. Then I can share the book with my sister Debbie who can read the book to my niece Lily and my nephew Jason.
In the front of the book is a welcome letter that explains the book to us. The book is based on the ABCs and each letter is given two pages. Left-hand pages reads like a board book and uses rhyming. The right-hand pages offers non-rhyming explanations. There is pronunciation guides to teach us how to pronounce the words which will be good for David and Charlie. Using English based-sects
Charlie and I enjoyed discussing a alter and which is what the letter a stands for and what the altars in Charlie’s Church looks like at different times of the hear. Charlie thought it was fun to learn about Buddha which is his nickname and something Charlie likes to collect. Do you like Buddha’s? Do you know anything about them you can shar with us?
Charlie was surprised to find out C stands for Christmas which is Jesus Birth and the true meaning of the holiday. F is for fasting and Charlie and I are going to do a 3 day fasting to see what people who fast go through. Would you like to join us in fasting? Before you ask no, I am sure David isn’t going to fast with us. Please PRAY I don’t end up sick because when I don’t eat I get bad headaches.
I was for India a Country we will be studying in our States and Country studies and we can use the information we learned about India in our studies. If you know anything about India leave me a comment and I will add your information to our studies. L is for Lent and not the lint we get on our clothes.
M is for Menorah and Charlie and I will be visiting a Christian Book Store to see one in person as part of a Homeschool Field Trip. Would you like to go with us? P is for Prayer and everyone should know what this is and do is all the time. Although, David and Charlie need to get back into as I do. Because without the LORD we wouldn’t be here and have the things we have.
R is for relics or things that are very old and if you asked Charlie what would be a relic he would say me and David. At times I would agree with Charlie. S is for Saints which we can find in the Bible and will be studying this year. Did you know Saints can be females which I didn’t know.
T is for Temple and for another field trip Charlie and I are going to drive through town to see if we can find a Temple to look at. Would you like to go with us? We learn U is for unity which means “being one”. Y is for YARMULKE which is a small Jewish cap we’ve seen in shows but would be nice to see in person.
As you can see not only will children learn about religions through ABC’s of the Worlds Religions but adults as well. I hope all libraries and schools have this book on hand to share with religions with there children. Charlie, David and I are Baptist but growing up I also went to a Methodist Church which isn’t to different from each other but other religions I will be sharing with Charlie. Do you know others we should be studying and if so why?

G is for Guru. H is for Hijab. M is for Menorah. P is for Prayer.
In ABCs of the World’s Religions, kids travel around the world and across the centuries exploring the beauty of the world’s major faith traditions.
Learn along with kids as you explore sacred spaces, holydays, and rituals in several different religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Left-hand pages offer rhyming couplets that explain the basic concepts. Right-hand pages offer additional information, including similarities and differences across religious traditions.
Using a non-devotional, age-appropriate approach, ABCs of the World’s Religions is great for anyone interested in developing religious literacy and cultural competency in kids age 4-10. Perfect for parents and grandparents, as well as educators in public schools, private schools, or faith communities.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates