A to Z Challenge Letter K Easy Kiwi Fruit Salad

The Mommies Reviews

Kiwi is one of my favorite fruits and Kiwi is so tasty and fun to eat! I love to add Kiwi to my fruit salads. Since spring is here and Summer is on the way, I know I will be going to lots of picnics, potlucks and Bar B Ques. This morning for the A to Z Challenge Letter K Easy Kiwi Fruit Salad is a recipe I thought you might enjoy.

Te Easy Kiwi Fruit Salad is my go to dish for sharing at events. A little planning was in order because I live in Texas, where the heat is unbearable at times!

With the high heat, I try not to make anything with Mayo, for food safety. I want to offer healthier choices to my own family, and I want to share tasty goodies with friends, Fruit Salad was my natural choice!

This recipe is great because it uses a lot of Kiwi and Blueberries, and doesn’t have much in the way of dressing.


A basket of blueberries

1 cup of red grapes

A small melon, I used cantaloupe, chunked

1 cup of strawberries, sliced

6 kiwi fruit, peeled and sliced

1 orange, peeled and chunked.

1 tablespoon of vanilla

Combine all fruit in a large bowl. Toss one spoon of vanilla into the mix. Chill and serve.

Find more recipes here

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates