I was Browsing online for new websites to find an item to empower me as I have been in the doldrums the past couple days. I found Power of Moms which I am so glad I did. As I found several articles on this site, I can’t wait to sit down and read. Then I would like to sit down and listen to the people on the Radio Show.
With my family looking for ways to monetize our website I signed up to become an affiliate of Power of Moms. There are so many unusual items in their store which I know I can use.
With Valentines right around the corner, I wanted to share the article I found on Power of Moms 7 Family Activities to Fill February with Love.There were so many fun and unique items in the list that I can’t wait to sit down and share them with David. I know he would enjoy doing them with Charlie just as much as I want to.
The activity I most want to do with Charlie is called “HEART ATTACK,” which isn’t something I had ever heard of before finding Power of Mom. If you would like to look at the resource, you can find this activity at Making-Valentines-Day-A-Family-Affair. I am thinking Charlie and I will take ours a step further and include my sister’s house as well as my mother in law’s home. As I know they both would like seeing this new activity and they may even do it with Charlie and I.
Charlie and I can use the items we found on Power of Mom in Homeschool as we can do the HeartAttack for our Art Class and also for math as we can count how many hearts we make. If we let Charlie write out what they say he would be able to score it for spelling and reading as well. So not only would we be able to create a new Tradition but get Homeschooling done and spend time as a family which is very important to me.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates