A House That Comes Alive At Halloween

The Mommies Reviews

It’s so close to Halloween, you can almost hear the cackling laugh of witches in the moonlight sky. But don’t be fearful, embraced the wickedness and allow it to consume your home. It’s a great time to party, play games and enjoy lots of candy. But rather than just putting on a costume, how about you go the extra mile; or two? Turning your whole house into a Halloween den is so much fun for the entire family. Since there’s so much space to overhaul and make as scary as possible, all family members get to decide a little piece of the puzzle. A house that comes alive during Halloween will make all the ghouls and gargoyles flock to your front door. Friends and family and strange guests, come one, come all!

Make a fog machine

Before anyone even enters your house of tricks and more tricks, they should see they need to mind their step. Instead of buying a fog machine, you can make one at home. What you need is a large candle with multiple wicks. It should be non-toxic and odorless. Take a small aluminium pie plate and the upper half of a 2-liter soda bottle. Next you’ll require a gallon of distilled water and a small bottle of glycerin which you can buy at a pharmacy. 

  • Take the glycerin and water and put one parts to two parts into a bowl. In other words, have ⅔ distilled water and ⅓ glycerin. This will be your ‘fog juice’.
  • Cut the top half of the soda bottle so you have the narrow neck free. Then place this onto the aluminium plate, making sure to tape it down.
  • Take an empty food can and poke some air holes in it. Put the candle into the can and light it. Then place the aluminium plate on top of it.
  • As the plate heats up slowly, pour a few teaspoons down the bottle. As the mixture heats up it will evaporate into a dense vapor. When it cools down to room temperature, the vapor becomes a harmless cloud that sits on the floor of the room.

Source vialuna13

A ghoulish lineup 

The trick to any great party, is getting guests to join in all the activities you have created. Everyone who attends your Halloween house party, should be photographed on a ghoulish lineup. First you should look at this photo booth hire so you have a way of taking mugshots of all your fiendish guests in their scary costumes. Then buy a police lineup background and place it on the wall behind. You’ll have a who’s who photo album by the time the night is over because everyone will be in costume and standing side by side. It’s a great way to create some memories and get a full spectrum of Halloween characters that showed up at your party this year. 

Who doesn’t want to go to a Halloween house party, that is the question. Before guests open the door, spooky fog should be rolling out from underneath the door. It’s easy to make a fog machine at home as everything can be store bought.