A Guide to Fertility in Argentina 

The Mommies Reviews

Infertility is a large global issue in recent times, and so it is important that you know the facts about it as much as possible, especially if you are looking to conceive and become a parent. Then, if you are living in Argentina and are struggling with infertility or want to help others become the parents that they want to be, read on for more information on fertility in Argentina. 

Is infertility in Argentina increasing?

Infertility is not a problem that is affecting Argentina alone. In fact, infertility is affecting women on a global scale, with 1 in 5 women unable to get pregnant after one year of trying. This leads to other issues, such as an aging population and increases in the amount of people with depression and other mental health issues. Fertility around the world could be affected by a number of factors, such as couples trying to have children at an older age, the medications that people are now taking and toxins and chemicals in the environments in which people live. This could be even more of a concern in countries where there is a lot of pollution. People’s lifestyles have also changed, with more people smoking, drinking copious amounts of alcohol, and eating less balanced diets, which are all habits that could contribute to infertility in 2023 and beyond. 

Is infertility tourism popular in Argentina?

Infertility tourism is when couples travel to other countries to get the best fertility treatments that are on offer. Many people are now heading to Argentina, where there are many cheap and successful clinics that can help women conceive and that can provide solutions to fertility problems, such as trouble carrying a baby to full term. Not only are people able to access the care that they need by doing this, without the full expense or long waiting lists of their home country, but the criteria for certain treatments might be different and more relaxed. They will also be able to receive the treatment that they need in a relaxing environment, and pair their infertility solutions with a peaceful and stress-free trip to the beach and the sights of Argentina. This reduction of stress might even be able to help them to conceive naturally. Whether you live in Argentina or abroad, it might be worth looking into the options for fertility that are offered within the country and whether they could be the right ones for you. 

Is there a lot of infertility research in Argentina?

When it comes to infertility, there is a lot of research being performed continuously to find new treatments and to perfect the current solutions to infertility. There is also a lot of research being conducted into the causes of infertility and the related health issues that could trigger infertility. A lot of research is being performed in Argentina itself, and a new technique that could help assisted reproduction has also been put into practice there, meaning that more couples in the future might be able to have a baby through this method. There is also ongoing research into infertility treatments that could become options in the future, such as AI-enhanced fertility treatments, manmade sperm, and IVF that uses the genetics of three people, rather than two. These developments could modernize the landscape of IVF and ensure that people do not run out of fertility aid quite so quickly. 

What can you do? 

If you sympathize with those who cannot get pregnant and want to help in some way, you should consider becoming a sperm or egg donor or becoming a surrogate. Becoming a surrogate is an excellent option as it can allow you to play a key role in giving someone a family, while allowing you to participate in the pleasures of pregnancy. Not only this, but not everyone can become a surrogate, and doing so will allow you to give a rare gift to those who need and want it. However, before you become a surrogate, you need to try and find a company that is well-versed in surrogacy and who can help you on your way to becoming a surrogate. If you are worried that you will not be able to get the support that you need when you are a surrogate, you should look around for a surrogacy program that you can take part in. You might have to move to a country that offers this type of effective support program. This will ensure that you do not feel so alone in your surrogacy journey and that you are able to receive all the compensation and tools that you require. Sperm and egg donation are equally as helpful choices, but are much less commitment than surrogacy itself, and you might consider looking into these if you are not an appropriate candidate for surrogacy. 

What do you need to think about before helping someone get pregnant?

Before you take the leap and help someone else get pregnant through egg or sperm donation, as well as surrogacy, it is important that you have thought it through carefully and that you know what to expect. One of the first elements that you need to think about is the risks that are associated with arrangements such as surrogacy. For instance, you could develop health complications during the pregnancy or the birth, and these could impact your future fertility and could threaten your life. You should also think about your finances and whether you are able to take the time off work to become a surrogate. However, you will usually be able to get help with this through payment and compensation schemes for your act of goodwill. 

Not only this, but you should think about your lifestyle. While sperm and egg donation might not impact your daily living, surrogacy will, and you might have to give up activities that you enjoy, as well as habits such as smoking and drinking to ensure that the baby is born healthy and so that you do not develop health issues. You must also think about your other commitments and the amount of time that you have to give to this act. While sperm and egg donation might only take a few hours, surrogacy can take nine months of your life, and you will need a lot of support during this period, where you might not be able to devote yourself so much to other people in your life. By thinking these factors through before you help someone get pregnant, you will be ensuring that you do not regret your decision at a later date. 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates