A Free Oliver Doodle Dandy eBook and Companion Activity Book for Every Teacher in America

The Mommies Reviews

CHICAGO – April 14, 2020 – The author of the soon-to-be released patriotic children’s book, Oliver Doodle Dandy, is offering a free eBook and companion Activity Book to any teacher in America who is interested in using them for online instruction.

Oliver Doodle Dandy is a celebration of America. From the freedoms we cherish, to the opportunities we have, to the accomplishments of American’s, Oliver Doodle Dandy shows that even in difficult times the American Dream is very much alive and well. The companion Activity Book was developed in tandem with teachers and includes patriotic activities and studies designed to fold into standard curricula.

“The digital versions are available without restriction for teachers to use,” said Zimmermann. “It’s a really fun and interesting way for kids to learn.”

Teachers can access their free books here starting today. Here’s a video that introduces you to the book and characters.

“I’d originally planned to launch the book on Flag Day, June 14, but with so many children using online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, it seemed that Oliver, his friends and their message could make a difference to many during this challenging time,” said Zimmermann.

Pre-sales of the hard-bound book are also now available. Anyone making a purchase will immediately receive the eBook and Activity Book as they await delivery of the hard-bound book in June. Digital copies of the book are also available for purchase.

Zimmermann dedicates the book to active duty and retired members of the U.S. Military, first responders and healthcare workers.

The 15-page Activity Book allows children to write their own dedication to loved ones serving our country. It uses themes from Oliver Doodle Dandy to offer activities that will help children learn more about the United States and legendary Americans. Activities include using American history and current events tocreate reports, collage boards, patriotic music videos, and suggestions for community service projects.

“I truly believe that what unites us as a nation is far greater than what divides us,” Zimmermann said. “With our previous Oliver the Ornament books, we focused on messages of kindness, and we keep to that spirit while adding the message of hope and unity to Americans at this unsettling time.”

Oliver Doodle Dandy comes from the creator of the highly acclaimed Christmas series, Oliver the Ornament. Named as a hottest toy of the year and best new book by major media outlets, Oliver the Ornament teaches children the message of kindness in a seven-book series.

About “Oliver Doodle Dandy”

It’s summer-time in the Nelson household and Mom and Dad are getting ready for their annual Fourth of July barbecue. Henry and Holly meanwhile are busy playing on their devices. After some convincing, Henry and Holly make a trip to the attic to retrieve the family’s flags. Upon arrival, they’re in disbelief to find their friend Oliver, along with the rest of the characters in our story decked out in patriotic costumes practicing for their own Fourth of July parade.

Shocked at what they see, the children ask what’s the big deal about the Fourth of July, after all it’s just fireworks and parades isn’t it? Each of the characters then shares why it’s so much more than that and why America is so special to each of them.

Whether it’s the natural beauty of our country, the freedoms we possess, or the inventions that have come from legendary Americans, Oliver Doodle Dandy will inspire children knowing they can accomplish anything they dream possible, and that the American Dream is still very much alive and well. 

About Oliver the Ornament

Oliver the Ornament is a seven-book series and gift-line that teaches children the message of kindness through the family’s collection of ornaments. Launched in 2016, the book was quickly endorsed as one of the Hottest Toys of the Year and named a “Best New Book” by People magazine. The second book in the series,Oliver the Ornament Meets Belle was released in 2019. The third book in the series, Oliver the Ornament Meets Marley &Joan and Abbey will be released this November.  A percentage of the profits of each of book sold is donated to children’s charities. When the seventh book in the Christmas series is published, 100% of the profits will be donated to charity.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates