A Day in Grapevine, Texas

The Mommies Reviews

I was blessed during Christmas to be able to spend the day with my niece Lily, my nephew Jason and my sister Debbie. I knew I wanted to do something new and unique with the kids. We set out for the Christmas Capital allowing us to spend a Day in Grapevine, Texas.

We walked by the Palace Theater, and I went over the Movies they were showing with the kids. Jason hadn’t been to a Theater like this before so I plan on bringing Jason and Lily back one day to watch a movie with Charlie and I. Would you like to come with us?

The nice part with this was David was off and got to come with us and also have lunch with us. Which when I have the kids most times David is working. As we were leaving even Charlie and his best friend Bradley asked if they could come with us. Turning this into a true Family adventure.

Walking through the town we came upon this piece of Art on the Sidewalk which showed me Suzzie was with us on our Adventure because All I Want for Christmas Is A Hippopotamus was here favorite Christmas Song. I liked being able to play the song on my phone for Lily and Jason as we took our pictures.

Look…. I was able to get all the kinds in a picture together almost smiling for once. Let me tell you that is a true miracle when the pictures feature Charlie and Bradley. TEENAGERS aka BOYS… What can I say????

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates