A Brief Interview with Lisa Barnett, Founder of the Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom

The Mommies Reviews

Soul & Spirit:

  Lisa, I’m excited to be talking to you today and you hear that you are coming to Glastonbury to teach your courses. We have some basic questions about the Akashic Records I’d love to ask you.

Lisa Barnett: Thanks!  I’m thrilled to be able to bring the Wisdom of the Akasha to your readers. I’ve been teaching in North America for 20 years and this is my first trip to Europe. The first of many, I hope.

S&S: First, could you tell us what the Akashic Records are? 

LB: Basically, the Akashic Records are a recording of every action, thought and feeling your soul has had since it’s individuation from Source through this very moment and even beyond to when each soul returns to Source. Each soul has its own, unique Record with its own Record Keepers and Masters.

Although many people are unfamiliar with Akashic Records, the Records have been referenced in great books throughout written history. There are mentions of the ‘Book of Life’ in the Torah, the Old and New Testaments of the Christian Bible as well as in the Islamic Qur’an. The Tibetans and other mystical cultures often accessed this vibration.  Scientist Ervin Laszlo, Ph.D. refers to this energy as “The A-Field” and considers it the quantum field of everything. Edgar Cayce, the famous Sleeping Profit, accessed the Akashic Record for his clients and started a natural healing centre in Virginia Beach based on remedies and information he received in the Records.  

S&S:  Who are the Record Keepers and Masters?

LB: I like to think of them as your personal librarians. Record Keepers and Masters are souls who have chosen not to incarnate at this time.  Each incarnating soul has their own group of Keepers and Beings of Light waiting to connect with and help them.  They have great respect for what we go through in these bodies and are here to support you.

S&S: Are things recorded as they happen? 

LB: Everything from this Present Moment back is recorded so you can work in the Records of yesterday, 10 years ago or your childhood.  Everything from this Present Moment forward is also recorded.

S&S: If everything that has happened and is going to happen is recorded in the Akashic Records does that mean every thought, emotion and action is pre-determined?

LB: I prefer to think of everything being pre-planned rather than pre-determined.  The difference being that the great gift on this planet is the gift of freewill.  So, yes, before we come into this life, we make plans and map out what we’d like to learn and with whom.  These are often called Soul contracts and Karma. However, once we are here, we can choose to change anything and everything. We can even decide not to accomplish or learn what we came here for. Source and our Record Keepers honour what we do here and the decisions we make.

S&S:  So how is the future is recorded? 

LB: Many potential futures are in the Records.  The most likely based on the current trajectory of your life is highlighted but because of freewill, that future can change.  In fact, just as the future is mutable, so is the past.  Most of my work for my clients involves healing traumas from the past – whether this life or another.  The most interesting part for me is when I heal something from a past life and I actually see this life change.  Many of us have had multiple lives when we were killed for being Lightworkers.  This can cause us to be afraid to speak our truth today.  One client had a particularly gruesome death.  As I worked with her Akashic Records to heal that lifetime, we felt the energy clear and the next week she started the radio show she had been afraid to do. Now that is healing!

S&S: What are the benefits of accessing your Akashic Records? 

LB: I could take up the whole interview just answering that one question! First of all, it helps you to remember the powerful and ancient being you really are and to feel the unconditional love of Source. You can learn about the lessons you intended to complete while here and about the soul contracts you’ve written. You can also clear blocks to abundance of all kinds which helps you create a more fulfilling life.  On a practical level, you can ask about best foods for your body, how to organize your day and steps to take in your career. 

S&S: How can our readers access their own Records? 

LB: There are many routes.  Edgar Cayce went into a deep hypnotic trance to access the Records. Some people reach them through meditation. I used to accidentally wander into the Records when I was doing intuitive readings before learning the simple access key I use today. For many, it is a hit-or-miss thing that they can’t control.  The method I teach in my classes and book, The Infinite Wisdom of the Akashic Records, involves using a vibrational key in the form of a prayer that allows anyone to access their Records with certainty.  The Masters say “It’s time for everyone to be divinely guided”.  The more people who access the Akashic energy, the more the Earth’s vibration will be raised.  This is our great work.

S&S: Can other people access your records? Can you access other peoples?

LB:  Yes, I do and teach people to be Akashic Consultants and healers.  There are Records of people, businesses, pets, groups and families which are available to those who know how to access the Records.  However, this work must be done in integrity so Records can only be opened with express permission.

S&S: Lisa, I want to thank you for your time today. I really enjoyed learning about your work.

LB:  Thank you so much.  I look forward to meeting your readers in Glastonbury.

For more information on the Akashic Class in Glastonbury in October please visit:

Lisa Barnett is an author, Akashic teacher, consultant, healer, and the Founder of Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom. She is an internationally recognized expert on the Akashic Records and has been helping clients heal for more than two decades . 

Lisa specializes in teaching people how to align with their individual Soul Paths by accessing their own Akashic Records. The result is greater personal fulfilment, happiness, and abundance.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates