A boy needs a dog

The Mommies Reviews

We had dogs before Charlie was born and they was mine. But we have always made sure Charlie has a puppy of his own. A boy needs a dog. I would like to introduce you to Max. He is on the pillow and Lucy is in the middle of the blanket.

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Max is Lucy’s puppy. We didn’t even know Lucy was pregnant and I had gone into the extra bedroom to get something to wear. I moved the clothes and something moved.

I freaked out because I thought it might be a mouse. I screamed and Charlie came in and looked for me. Charlie let me know it was a puppy. Charlie immediately let me know he wanted to name the puppy Maximillian.

From a movie Charlie loves called Reel Steel. Max became Charlie’s dog and would follow him anywhere. Max would frustrate me because he wouldn’t stay in the yard.

When Lucy became pregnant again Charlie feel in love with one of the puppies Bear. I let Charlie know we was going to have to give the puppies away.

Charlie made the choice to keep Bear and give Max away where he could go to the Country and have a yard to run in. This way Max wouldn’t get out and get hurt.

Even though Charlie has Bear and there inspirable. Charlie misses Max so much. I wish I could find Max so Charlie could see he was okay and that he had a God home. But I wouldn’t know who adopted Max.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates